August 2024 Newsletter

Stop by our booth at the Ventura County Fair,

happening now through August 11th in the Agricultural Building!

Join us for an incredible evening!

See Event Page and RVSP!

Sponsor this event and we'll show our appreciation for you or your business throughout the event and following year! You'll find an array of advertising options aimed at increasing your presence in wildfire safety.

Contact us today!

VRFSC has moved!

The Ventura Regional Fire Safe Council is now located at 3585 Maple St in Ventura! This transition has been a long time coming. Our growth in staff and programs has been exponential in the last couple of years, as has the need for larger office space. Thank you so much to  Vern Alstot for donating a handful of chairs, a couch, and other key office furniture. And a huge thank you to Ray from Easy Office Furniture for donating five individual workstations for our office!


Applications will be accepted until August 16th! Applicants will be notified of their status August 30, 2024.

Defensible space clearance, home modifications, and retrofits can be offered at no cost to eligible Ventura County residents.

Funds are limited and will be distributed based on a number of qualifying factors; including but not limited to wildfire risk, presence of physical and/or financial barriers, veteran status, and effectiveness of the mitigations VRFSC is able to offer.

Click here for more info & to Apply

A message from our Regional Firewise Coordinator

It’s truly incredible to witness the growth of the Firewise USA program in Ventura County. At the start of last year, we had only 2 recognized sites in Ventura County, and now we're celebrating our 18th community!

I've had the pleasure of meeting many of you at neighborhood workshops or home assessments and am in awe of the resilience each of you demonstrate, especially given the real challenges many face with insurance. Your commitment is what drives this program forward and, through collective efforts, is creating a safer Ventura County.

As we welcome new Firewise communities each month, the team at VRFSC is continuously improving our resources to help you navigate challenges and play a meaningful role in supporting our Firewise communities. Our Fire Safe Council has also undergone a similar growth, and as of this year, offers funding for Recognized Communities and monthly zoom workshops to provide a local space for learning.

I hope to see you at this month's Firewise Workshop!

Thank you!

Natasha Saxena

Regional Firewise Coordinator

Ventura Regional Fire Safe Council

Reminder: The next Firewise USA® Workshop is August 16 at 1PM!

VRFSC hosts monthly Firewise USA workshops over Zoom and answers questions regarding the Firewise process, submitting applications, maintaining In Good Standing status, etc.

This month the topic will be VRFSC programs that can help directly boost the success of Firewise USA neighborhoods.

Register for the workshop here

Did you miss the first few Firewise USA® Workshops of the year? No sweat! Click on the video icon in this section to watch the first workshop of the year.

Our live workshops happen every 3rd Friday at 1PM on Zoom and you can register here.

We upload past workshops on our YouTube Channel here.

Check out Firewise USA® Assistance page here

2023 Annual Sponsor

From Edison International Subsidiary,

Southern California Edison:

Protecting ourselves and our family members starts with an emergency preparedness plan.

Does your household have a reliable plan in place in the event of a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)? Being prepared with a plan is the best way to ensure the safety of yourself and those you care for, particularly those with disabilities, or other access and functional needs. 

SCE offers resources, programs and support to help you prepare for an outage. Let SCE help you find the best solution to keep you and your loved ones safe during Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) outages.

Click here to learn more

Consider donating to VRFSC and support our wildfire efforts throughout Ventura County!

Your donation provides general support in addition to helping us to expand our community programs and services in areas our grants do not cover. Thank you in advance for helping us make a greater impact!

Donate Today
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