CRC News | September 24, 2020
Dear CRC Supporter,

Last week was my two-year anniversary at Community Resource Center. While so much has changed in the world since I joined CRC, I know that one thing remains the same –my commitment to CRC's mission to help the hungry, homeless and hurting in our community. Along with our staff, I am inspired every day, as we partner with our community to meet the most critical needs facing our neighbors – shelter, food and safety from domestic violence.

Thank you to the many who hosted food drives and donated during Hunger Action Month. You can still get involved ... here are five ways you can help us achieve a hunger-free San Diego.

I also ask you to find ways throughout October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, to help educate our community and provide life-saving resources. Sadly, the pandemic has increased and introduced the experience of intimate partner violence in our community and around the world.

Below are some ways you can join us this fall to bring help and hope to neighbors in need.

Kind regards,
John Van Cleef
Hunger Action Month
Get Involved
Give help & hope to neighbors in need

You can help provide food, blankets and gift boxes to 1,100 households and seniors in need during our drive-thru Holiday Baskets program. How you can help:

Join us for our Virtual Tour Series: Integrative Services
Wednesday, September 30 at 3:30 pm

Save the date to join us for a virtual tour of our Integrative Services programs to learn more about our how we help unsheltered individuals and those at risk obtain safe housing and resources. 

Spread the word: Teen Dating Violence 101 Virtual Training
Wednesday, October 7, 1-2 pm & 5-6 pm

Join us for a free virtual training about teen dating violence, geared for all school staff, teens, and parents.

The Latest News
Together we can stop domestic violence
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month!

Join us during October to raise awareness and help those who are experiencing violence in their relationships. 

Our Resale Stores are open

Shopping at CRC Resale Stores is a green, budget-friendly way to support our mission and help the community! Follow our stores on Facebook and Instagram for the latest. 

Take our communications survey

Tomorrow, September 25, is your last chance to give us your input, we would love to hear from you! Please take our survey, you can also enter into a drawing for a $20 gift certificate to Chin's Szechwan.

Partner Spotlight
Thank you, ProduceGood!

Between March and September, ProduceGood provided CRC with 3,317 pounds of fresh produce from the Leucadia Farmer's Market! Produce that otherwise may have gone to the landfills was instead distributed at our Food & Nutrition Center to help local families in need. Thank you, ProduceGood!
Thank you to the following organizations and individuals for their support received in August:
Supporting Champions:

Encinitas Mindfulness Community
French Fund
Ina & Kerry Galton
Hunter Industries
Gary and Karin Kloehn
The Kroger Co. Zero Hunger | Zero Waste Foundation
Ronald and Joan Moss Donor Advised Fund at Rancho Santa Fe Foundation
The Jill and Darrell Shrader Philanthropic Fund
Community Resource Center | (760) 753-1156 | |

Domestic Violence Hotline: (877) 633-1112