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April 2024


Principal NEWS

Welcome to April! 

We had an excellent turnout for the grade-level music concerts last month. Thank you to Mrs. Edmiston and Mr. Evans for all their hard work supporting these fantastic opportunities for our students!  

After a nice spring break, everyone looks forward to sunny and warmer days. Let’s all work together to make the end of the year an excellent one for our students. Good attendance, safe behavior, academic focus, meaningful social connections with school friends, and a good night’s sleep are all components of helping the end of the year go well. 

As we return to school from spring break, our students will participate in the Wisconsin Forward Exam.  We are also looking forward to our upcoming Literacy Night here at Granite Ridge on April 18.  We hope to see you there!  

Enjoy spring!

John Hagen

April's Safety Drill -

Shelter (tornado) Drill

Granite Ridge School will hold a Shelter (tornado)drill on April 11 for all students and staff. This is a state-wide drill.

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2024-2025 Family Input Forms


During the spring of each year, a process is begun to place children into classes for the following school year. The goal of the process is to develop balanced classes of children. That balance includes: total number and gender in each room; consideration of each child's learning style and level of achievement; particular emotional, social, and physical learning needs; and interpersonal dynamics among children.


One dimension of the process is consideration of family/parent input. If there is anything about your child's needs that you would like us to consider in the placement process, please let us know on the form. Please do not request a specific teacher. Please know it is not always possible to accommodate all parent or staff input.


If you would like your ideas included in the process, please complete the form and return it to your current school office by Friday, April 5th, 2024. Completion of the form is optional; it is simply a communication tool for those who wish to use it. Click here for the form.

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7:15 a.m.–3:45 p.m.


Main Office: (608) 839-8980

Attendance: contact via email

School Website
School Calendar
District Website
Digital Flyers


  • April 18 - Family Literacy Night


  • April 22 - No School - Staff Professional Day
  • May 7

5th grade

students visit

Glacial Drumlin

  • May 9 - Fine Arts Night 5:00-7:00
  • May 17


Museum Fieldtrip

(Cooper, Keller,


Van Hoof)

  • May 24


Museum Fieldtrip

(Becker, Olson,


  • May 31

Field Day

  • June 6 - Final Student Day

Superintendent Search

We are nearing the end of the superintendent search process! Make sure to check out the website to stay up-to-date on the process.

2024-25 School Year Calendar

Visit our website to view the approved 2024-25 school year calendar.

Summer School 2024

Monday, June 17 through Friday, July 12

(No school on June 19th, July 4th or 5th) 

The course guide, along with directions on how to request summer school courses through your Infinite Campus Portal Account, will be sent to families during the week of March 18th so that you may preview the course offerings. Infinite Campus Registration begins March 29th at 9:00 am and closes on April 8th at 3:00 pm.

Please click here to bookmark the Summer School webpage for the most updated information.

If you have any questions regarding Summer School, please contact Maureen Lehmann at or Amy Kersten at

News From the Health Room

On behalf of the MGSD Health Team, we have a few reminders for students and their families as we have recently seen an increasing number of students return to school too soon after illness. 

Students may attend / return to school: 

● When symptoms are improving 

● Vomiting and/or Diarrhea free for 24 hours 

● Fever free (100 degrees F or greater) for 24 hours without fever reducing medication 

● If evaluated and cleared by a health care provider

● For students with COVID, 5 days after symptom onset or positive test (if no symptoms). 

Day 0 is the day symptoms started or day of positive test.

News From the School Counselor

In April, we are switching our theme from Cooperation to Courage. One way to think about Courage is “choosing what is helpful, right, and kind even when it is hard or scary.” Courage can look a little different for everyone. Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like focusing, organizing, and goal-setting.

During March and April, your student is participating in lessons on Protective Behaviors. This is a topic that we are required by law to cover each year. I will be sharing important information about things like welcome and unwelcome touches, trusted adults and safe adults, internet safety, and No, Go, Tell. I am using the Protect Yourself Rules (accessible on to help facilitate our conversation.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Emily McKee (she/her)

News From the Reading Corner!

Click the link below to read more on Reluctant Readers

If you any questions contact Erin Verhagen, Reading Specialist, at

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Cottage Grove PTO

Stay up to date on all future events by visiting:

Village of Cottage Grove

There are many opportunities to become involved!


Library Resources

Here are links for local connections:

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5301 Monona Drive, Monona, WI 53716  Phone: (608) 221-7660  Fax: (608) 221-7688

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