Spring Benefit
Sunday, May 5

Last Chance for Tickets!

Annual Spring Benefit
Sunday, May 5, 4:30 p.m.

Join us in honoring Christ Church Winnetka and Beth Petti - and in celebrating you, our friends and donors who make our work possible. Tickets are $125/per person and include heavy hors d'oeuvres, refreshments and sweet treats.

If you are unable to attend, please consider being an event sponsor.
Buy your tickets by Thursday, April 18!
Unlocking Hope: The Power of Organ Donation
by Rev. Dr. Ebony D. Only
April is National Donate Life month, but every day, countless lives hang in the balance as individuals wait for the precious gift of organ donation. For those facing the uncertainty of illness, an organ transplant can mean the difference between life and death. Yet, despite the critical need, many myths and misconceptions still surround the topic of organ donation, leading to hesitation and missed opportunities for saving lives.

One of the most common misconceptions about organ donation is that it conflicts with religious or cultural beliefs. However, many major religions actually support the act of donation as an act of charity and saving lives. Another myth is that age or medical history disqualifies individuals from being donors. In reality, people of all ages and medical backgrounds can potentially become donors. Education is key in dispelling these myths and encouraging more people to consider donation as a meaningful act of generosity.

Imagine a world where every person in need of a life-saving transplant could receive one. It's a vision that inspires hope, but it requires action from each and every one of us. Organ donation isn't just about giving the gift of life; it's about creating a legacy of compassion, kindness, and selflessness.

If you've ever pondered the idea of becoming an organ donor, now is the time to take action. Learn more about donation and register your decision today at giftofhope.org. By doing so, you can ensure that your wishes are honored and potentially save lives in the future. It's a simple yet profound gesture that carries the power to transform despair into hope, darkness into light.
Chaplaincy // Social Responsibility & Racial Justice
Spirituality & Wellness // Education
Bishop Anderson House is an interfaith agency rooted in the tradition of the Episcopal Church,
providing pastoral services and education programs for faith and health care communities.