The global coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we live, work, and go to school.

One thing is for certain: International AKDN ShakeOut is also still happening on Oct.15, and we are all in this together!

This year, FOCUS USA is encouraging the community to participate in the largest global earthquake drill by registering at and joining over 28.1 million people across the world as we “Drop, Cover and Hold On”!

Remember, earthquakes can happen at any time—even during a pandemic. It is vital to be prepared!
Here are some basic guidelines to keep in mind
Practice, Practice, Practice!

"Drop, Cover, and Hold On" when you feel an earthquake shake.
Hazard Hunt

Do a “hazard hunt” around your home or workspace for items that might fall during earthquakes and secure them. Identify and correct any issues in your home’s structure.

This year, whether you will conduct the ShakeOut drill at home, work, or school, ensure you are following COVID-19 health and safety guidelines. Follow social distancing, wear a mask, and implement any other necessary protective measures.
For more information and resources visit