Sponsored by:
Senator Melissa Murray (D-District 24 Woonsocket, North Smithfield) Representative Lauren Carson (D-District 75 Newport)
What is an om – bud?
An “entrusted person” or “grievance representative”
Students living with disabilities and their families who advocate for them face enormous challenges. Since the 70s our Federal and State Governments have enacted rules, regulations, and laws to protect the education of our children. Our country's stated purpose is:
…..to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment and independent living….(and) to ensure that the rights of children with disabilities are parents of such children are protected… IDEA 20 U.S.C. SS 1400
Why do we need a Rhode Island Special Education Ombudsman?
Access to special education services and related services in Rhode Island is frustrating, complex, and often confusing. Families are often expected to teach themselves Special Education law, advocate for the student's rights, and hold schools accountable if they fail to provide the educational supports and services to meet their child’s unique needs. Over the years, it has led to a breakdown of trust between families, their local schools, their school districts, and The RI Department of Education.
Provides critical advocacy, information, referrals, and guidance for families who are raising children who are living with disabilities.
The Office will work with local schools and state agencies to ensure quality Special Education Services are provided statewide and to ensure compliance. The Ombudsman is a WATCHDOG who will collect data on numbers and types of complaints and, when appropriate and necessary, may serve and investigate administrative actions of The Rhode Island Department of Education.
It has the authority to:
• Monitor the department’s special education complaint and dispute resolution processes to ensure transparency and accountability.
• Investigate, on complaint or on the ombud’s own initiative, any administrative act by the department pertaining to special education services.
• Assist students and guardians in protecting the educational rights of students, which may include assisting students and guardians in individualized education plan meetings or other proceedings pursuant to IDEA.
• Under limited circumstances pursuant to SS 42-162-8, investigation related action taken by a local education agency or school.
• Promulgate rules and regulations required for the discharge of the Ombudsman's duties.
It will also:
• Provide information and resources on special education services in Rhode Island,
• Identify any patterns of concerns that emerge in special education services.
• Recommend strategies for improvement, and recommend changes to laws, rules, policies, and actions pertaining to the special education rights of students as the Office deems appropriate.
When disabled students are provided with appropriate education services, their life outcomes significantly improve:
• Reducing dependence on Rhode Island and Federal social services.
• Stems the flow of students from a school to prison pipeline.
• Educates the students with skills necessary to further their education, to enter the workforce, to live independently, build friendships with a network of personal support and to lead healthy, productive lives within inclusive Rhode Island communities!