Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation  May 2022 News

Thank You Family

Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation Launches Statewide Tele-Optometry Vision Program

In April, Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation launched the first statewide Tele-Optometry vision program to serve uninsured and underinsured adults and seniors in Georgia. Beginning with Ben Massell Dental Clinic of Jewish Family & Career Services in Atlanta, 18 patients received eye exams utilizing this state-of-the-art technology.

According to the American Journal of Ophthalmology, Georgia is predicted to have a 200% increase in vision impairment by 2050. “Today in Georgia, 52 counties in Georgia have no vision services," explains Edwin Link, Executive Director, Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation. “This cutting-edge technology will enable us to bring vision services to Georgians who need them most.”

Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation operates two place-based clinics – one located in metro Atlanta (Chamblee), and the other at Grady Hospital in downtown Atlanta. With strategic clinical partnerships and mobile clinic services, Georgia Lions Lighthouse covers all of Georgia, providing the full continuum of vision care – from vision screenings to full eye exams; the fitting of low-cost prescription glasses (made in-house) to no charge cataract, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy surgeries; and referrals to needed vision specialists. 


GLLF Welcomes Lion Doug Alexander, International President

On May 24, 2022, the LCI International President, Doug Alexander visited the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation with other Lions from District 18-I. His tour of the Lighthouse included visits to the Recycling Center and the Tom and Mildred Bingham Memorial Garden. Afterwards, the International President and a larger group of Lions met at the Oriental Pearl restaurant in Chamblee to enjoy a meal and celebrate the chartering of five new Lions Clubs in MD 18 District I while recognizing District Governor Dr. Thomson Varghese for this accomplishment.

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LCI International President, Doug Alexander and the Lions from District 18-I

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LCI International President, Doug Alexander and District Governor Dr. Thomson Varghese performing service at  the Tom and Mildred Bingham Memorial Garden.

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LCI International President, Doug Alexander visits to the Recycling Center and members of the Snellville Lions Club and Georgia Lions Lighthouse Executive Director Edwin Link and staff.

Vision Program Updates

Over the past year, Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation has increased the number of patients benefiting from vision services. Since July of 2021, 783 Georgians have received a comprehensive eye exam. Over 2,700 glasses have been fabricated and distributed, and 288 vision surgical procedures have been supported. Overall, services have increased year over year, and by focusing on vision services, we know we can do more.

We still recycle hearing aids, and we are happy to direct individuals needing financial assistance with hearing aids for kids to our friends at the Jason Cunningham Charitable Foundation.

Strides 4 Sight & Sound was a Huge Success! 

Donate today so that we reach $50K by the end of the month! 

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Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation is proud to announce the results of the inaugural Strides 4 Sight & Sound. With your help, we exceeded our stretch goal and hope to go strong reaching well over $50,000 in donations.   Monies raised

through this event directly funds the mission of Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation.

Over 40 people joined us on April 23, 2022 and about 90 individuals across the state joining us virtually. We are grateful to our sponsors, volunteers, staff and participants who made Strides 4 Sight & Sound successful. We will be accepting contributions to this event through May 31, 2022. This will allow any current and/or virtual participants to still earn incentives and share with their friends. Check out our

Facebook page to see photos and video from the event.



Reserve Your Spot or Buy a Ticket Today

Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation OPEN HOUSE

Saturday, August 6, 2022

  • Tour the Chamblee Clinic at 5582 Peachtree Road, Chamblee, GA
  • Meet new Board of Directors
  • See the Unveiling of the Bricks in the Tom and Mildred Bingham Memorial Garden
  • Enjoy a cook out lunch
  • Get a pair of glasses by donation (must have current prescription)
  • Meet the staff and more

For event information please contact Mary Beth King at 404.325.3630 or

Deadline: Brick order forms and payment need to be in by June 15 in order to have a brick displayed.


Evening in the End Zone

October 17, 2022 | 6-9pm

Evening in the End Zone is an annual event dedicated to honoring the legacy of great athletes, coaches and administrators who have gone from the Peach Bowl to continue to make a strong, positive difference within those communities in need. 

Please join us in celebrating the University of Georgia Championship Legacy by honoring the University of Georgia Football Coaches and the Athletic Directors from 1980 and 2021 including: Coach Vince Dooley, Coach Kirby Smart and Athletic Director Josh Brooks.

For event information and sponsorship opportunities please contact Mary Beth King at 404.325.3630 or


Our Mission

Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation brings improved sight to Georgians who need it most.

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