Have you made a will during Make-A-Will Month?

This August, the Wisconsin Conference is observing Make-A-Will Month and inviting members of our faith community to make a will and think of how we can best steward what God has entrusted to our care.


In partnership with FreeWill, the Wisconsin Foundation UCC offers this free, online will-writing tool so that Christ followers can get started. By creating your will, you can:


●      Protect your loved ones and the other blessings you’ve received from God.

●      Make decisions about health care and funeral plans aligned with your faith and values.

●      Support the future of your congregation, the Conference and the wider United Church of Christ with an optional legacy gift.


Create your will


Make-A-Will Month is almost over — take a few minutes today to thoughtfully plan your future and strengthen the future of our church family.


Thank you for your continued prayers, support, and involvement in the United Church of Christ.



The Rev. Andrew B. Warner, CFRE


Wisconsin Foundation UCC

Upcoming Educational Events

Fourth Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. Eastern/6:30 p.m. Central 


Aug. 28 3 Best Practices for Stewardship in Congregations 

We will discuss the three practices most likely to increase giving in a local congregation: teaching about generosity, pastoral leadership, and online giving options. The webinar will examine why these practices matter and discuss how to implement them in a congregation. 

Register here


Sept. 25 -- Church Growth Tool: The ARDA and Your Community 

THEARDA.com provides crucial information on demographics and trends in the neighborhood around your congregation. Learn how you can use this tool to imagine new ways God might be calling you to serve people in your community. 

Register here

Generosity Forward Print Newsletter - another resource for your generosity practices

Did you receive the Generosity Forward Print Newsletter in your mailbox recently? This 8-page quarterly publication provides unique content that highlights the impact of our giving, lifts up ways people can make gifts, and reflects on the practice of giving in our faith. Sharing our stories of giving helps us feel hope as we see the difference we make together. Stories help us feel connected, and give us a deeper understanding of how and why to give. You're sure to find these insights helpful in your own generosity practices. Download the Generosity Forward Print Newsletter HERE.

Want to make sure you get this newsletter mailed to you each quarter? Send your name and mailing address to resourcecenter@wcucc.org and we'll include you in future mailings.

Help Others - Donate Now
The General Fund of the Wisconsin Conference helps us connect, support, and resource pastors, leaders, and congregations. Your gift allows the Conference to provide relevant and timely help during the current pandemic and beyond. Donate to the General Fund.

Sign up for the Generosity Forward Newsletter to ensure you don't miss future issues!
This newsletter is made possible by your contributions to Our Church's Wider Mission Basic Support.
Wisconsin Conference UCC | wcucc.org