This Sunday at Generations

August 11, 2024

Prayer in the Parlor - 8:30am

Worship Celebration & Morning Message - 9:00am and 10:30am

*Our 10:30am service will be live-streamed on Facebook and our website.

Children's Ministries

Nursery: Birth to 2 years in Room 104

Sprouts: 2 years in room 105 | 10:30am only

Treehouse: 3 - 5 years will worship in Room 106

Clubhouse: K - 6th grade will worship in the TMC

The NCA and Training Depot Back to School Prayer Walk is this Sunday! We invite families, friends, and supporters to come and pray at the church. We will gather at 7pm in the TMC for brief instructions. The church will be open until 8pm for individuals and families to walk and pray over the school and daycare campus, teachers, students, children, and the local ISDs.

Wednesday Connect Groups

As the summer comes to an end our Connection Group Kick-Off is getting started! You are invited Wednesday, August 14 when we will begin a special series of Connect Groups with a theme around our next sermon series "Biblical Boundaries". Can't wait to see everyone back at GC Connect Groups. It's been a great summer and God has even more in store!

Join us for Connect Groups each Wednesday at 6:45pm. We have a group for everyone! For a list of available groups, click here. To make it easier for everyone to attend we offer a meal each week beginning at 5:30pm.

Let us know if you will join us for our CG Wednesday evening meal this week. RSVP here for dinner by Sunday. Donations appreciated. Drinks and dessert included. 

Next week's menu: Beef & Chicken Tacos, Rice & Beans, Nachos, Salad

Upcoming Events

Genuine Brotherhood will meet Saturday, August 10 at 7:30am. Men, join us in the Sanctuary for coffee and breakfast as we meet together for a time of fellowship. Contact Josh Boice for more information.

Night of Prayer is Friday, August 16 in the Room 112. These prayer nights are come-and-go from 6pm-8pm. Join us for this time of intentional prayer for our church and upcoming Sunday services. Night of Prayer takes place every first and third Friday of the month. The GC prayer and intercession team has a "group me" to keep everyone informed with updates and announcements. If you'd like to be added to the Group Me App, please text Chris Vazquez (786-651-6895).

Preteens in grades 4-6, are invited to BRIDGE lunch Sunday, August 18 immediately following second service. BRIDGE is our monthly Preteen Ministry Bible study and lunch. Please contact Pastor Jen for more information.

Teens, join us for our monthly Ignite fellowship following the 10:30am service on Sunday, August 18. We will be going to the McCracken Home for our Back to School Pool Party! Be sure to bring your swimsuit, a towel, and sunscreen. A van ride will be provided to the party, but students will need to be picked up from the McCracken Home by 3pm. If you have any questions, please contact Frankie Serra.

Join us for a Baby Shower for Shelby Garrett on Sunday, August 18 at 2:30pm in Room 112! She is registered at Babylist and is expecting a girl.

Join us at our 3rd Annual Family Retreat on September 6-8 at Arrowhead Camp and Retreat Center in Glen Rose. The cost is $55 per person ages 2yrs and older. Enjoy fun, fellowship, and spiritual renewal with your GC Family! Register here by August 22.

Ladies, be sure to save the date, August 24 for our next Table Talk Event. Table Talk is a great way for us to connect and grow together. This is for ladies 18 and older of all stages of life! Every other month we will host an event or outing for you to be a part of. Groups will be formed for each event so you get to know other GC Ladies! More details coming soon!

Our annual Alabaster Offering is Sunday, August 25. The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings around the world for the purpose of ministry such as church buildings, parsonage, converting property into a church, and missionary homes. Please prayerfully consider what you would give toward this special offering. For more information about Alabaster Offering click here.

Sunday, August 25. Parents of Clubhouse and Ignite students are encouraged to attend a Family Ministries Parent Meeting at 12:15pm in the TMC. For more information contact Pastor Jen.

Other Announcements

Clubhouse Parents, here is a family devotional for you and your children. Each has activities, a blessing, and a Take the Lead segment where you can introduce them to this coming Sunday's lesson from the Word. There is one for Treehouse (3-5yrs) and one for Clubhouse (K-6th Grade).

May the Lord bless you as you share your Faith@Home!Pastor Jennifer

Here at Generations Church we offer four ways to give! You can give online at, text to give at 817.203.4900, give through our SimpleChurch App or place your cash/check made payable to "Generations Church" in the drop boxes located on the walls at the Sanctuary exits. Thank you for supporting the work of the Kingdom.

Read the Bible in a Year

Read the Bible in a year with us! Click here for this year's Bible reading schedule. We hope this encourages you and helps to advance your spiritual journey. 

Provide a Meal!

Generations Church now has a designated place where you can sign up to provide meals for families who have a loved one in the hospital or are bereaved. Click here to see if there are open spaces where a meal is needed. Contact Becky Glidden.

Keep Us Updated

Have you moved? We want to know! Help us keep our records updated so we can keep in touch with you. If your contact information has changed in the last year, including your address, phone, or email, please email us with the updated information.

Looking Ahead


10 - Genuine Brotherhood

11 - Back to School Prayer Walk

16 - Night of Prayer

18 - Bridge & Ignite Lunch, Garrett Baby Shower

24 - Women's Table Talk

25 - Alabaster Offering, House of Hope, Family Ministries Parent Meeting

28 - Prodigal Prayer Group


2 - Labor Day (Offices closed)

6-8 - GC Family Retreat

13 - Night of Prayer

15 - Child Dedication Class, Bridge & Ignite Lunch

18 - Prodigal Prayer Group

20 - Night of Prayer

22-25 - Revival with Rob McCorkle, CK Rally, House of Hope

29 - Family 5th, Child Dedication, Sisson/Stavely Wedding Shower

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