Tuesday, March 10*
1 p.m. Registration opens
2 p.m. Where do we stand, an update from the CEO
3 p.m. November Election Outlook
4 p.m. Welcome social
5:30-10 p.m. Bacon Bash (Members-only event to raise money for the NCPC Political Action Committee.)
Thursday, March 21*
7:15 a.m. Breakfast
7:45 a.m. Annual Meeting
8:30 a.m. State and National updates
10:30 a.m. Break out Sessions (Choose one)
- Sludge Management and Research (OIC credit)**
- African Swine Fever update
11:15 a.m. General Session (OIC credit)**
12:30 p.m. Awards luncheon ($15)
2 p.m Extended Breakout Sessions
4 p.m. Adjourn
*Schedule subject to change
**OIC credits will be applied for