Ventura County CoLAB Roundup - 02/06/2023

General Plan lawsuit - SETTLED!

Huge win for local agriculture!

VC CoLAB and the Ventura County Agricultural Association (VCAA) have agreed to settle their legal action against the County of Ventura over the County’s 2040 General Plan.

In October 2020, VC CoLAB and VCAA filed a joint lawsuit against the County’s 2040 General Plan over concerns that it would detrimentally impact the agricultural industry, raise the cost of farming and make it more difficult for local farmers to compete with growers in other regions. We believed that the County General Plan added regulatory burdens to local agriculture and that these burdens would greatly increase the cost of doing business, growing food, and even living in Ventura County. You can read more about the lawsuit HERE.

CoLAB has worked hard to improve the General plan for local agriculture over the last two years - and that work and tireless advocacy has now paid off. 

On February 7 at 9:45 AM, the Board of Supervisors will vote on a resolution that will address many of the concerns for agriculture in the General Plan and provide context and clarity to farmers and ranchers for several local regulations that impact their ability to farm. 

To read the proposed resolution and agreement, please click HERE.

This item is scheduled for 9:45 AM tomorrow in the Board hearing room(Hall of Administration, 800 S. Victoria, Ventura). We welcome any CoLAB members and supporters who would like to attend to help recognize this significant achievement. If you cannot join us in person but would like to view the meeting online at 9:45 tomorrow, please click HERE.  

Federal Emergency Funding for

January Storm and Flood Damage


Late last week the federal government granted Ventura County's request for a Major Disaster Declaration. The Declaration means that area residents, farms, and businesses may be eligible for FEMA Individual Assistance, as well as assistance from other state and federal agencies. Funding is available for housing assistance, home repairs, clean up and debris removal, medical expenses, and other needs.

For more information, please visit

County may end local COVID Emergency Declaration

Supervisor Gorell (District 2) has proposed a resolution to end the County's nearly 3-year local health emergency order for COVID-19. The Board adopted the local health emergency order on March 17, 2020 to help address and respond to the COVID-19 emergency.

The proposed action is supported by Ventura County Public Health Officer, Dr. Robert Levin. Dr. Levin submitted a letter to the Board of Supervisors on January 31, 2023 stating that he has determined "the imminent and proximate threat to the public's health due to COVID-19 has sufficiently diminished such that the declaration of a local health emergency related to COVID-19 is no longer needed and can be terminated as early as February 28th."

Governor Newsom has declared that the state health emergency order will end on February 28, 2023. And President Biden has announced that the national public health emergency order will end in May 2023.

To read more or to watch this item at the February 7 BOS meeting, please click HERE.

County to update Zoning Ordinance rules for ADUs

On February 7 at 1:30 PM, the Board of Supervisors will consider amending County Zoning Ordinances to streamline and reduce regulatory requirements for the development of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs). The proposed amendments are intended to bring local regulatory requirements more aligned with recent state law. Some of the proposed changes include:   

  • Identifying the four types of ADUs allowed with a Building Permit;
  • Establish criteria for all other types of ADUs subject to a ministerial Zoning Clearance;
  • Allow for more permissive ADU requirements, wherever possible;
  • Add provisions for JADUs allowed with a Building Permit;
  • Outline the ADU and JADU permitting processes and requirements for approval

For more information, please click HERE.

Local Government - Future Meeting/Hearing Schedule

February 7, 2023: Board of Supervisors 

  • 9:45 AM: Adoption of a Resolution Clarifying Certain Policies and Programs in Ventura County 2040 General Plan to Implement a Settlement Agreement Between the County and VC CoLAB and VCAA
  • 1:30 PM: Zoning Ordinance Amendments to align requirements for Accessory Dwelling Units with recent state law
  • Not Time Certain: Resolution Terminating the Proclamation of a Local Emergency and Local Health Emergency Due to Threat of COVID-19

April 25, 2023: Board of Supervisors 

  • 2:00 PM:  Planning Division Proposed Work Plan 2023 - 2025
Collaboration for Sensible Regulatory Solutions
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