General Plan lawsuit - SETTLED!
Huge win for local agriculture!
VC CoLAB and the Ventura County Agricultural Association (VCAA) have agreed to settle their legal action against the County of Ventura over the County’s 2040 General Plan.
In October 2020, VC CoLAB and VCAA filed a joint lawsuit against the County’s 2040 General Plan over concerns that it would detrimentally impact the agricultural industry, raise the cost of farming and make it more difficult for local farmers to compete with growers in other regions. We believed that the County General Plan added regulatory burdens to local agriculture and that these burdens would greatly increase the cost of doing business, growing food, and even living in Ventura County. You can read more about the lawsuit HERE.
CoLAB has worked hard to improve the General plan for local agriculture over the last two years - and that work and tireless advocacy has now paid off.
On February 7 at 9:45 AM, the Board of Supervisors will vote on a resolution that will address many of the concerns for agriculture in the General Plan and provide context and clarity to farmers and ranchers for several local regulations that impact their ability to farm.
To read the proposed resolution and agreement, please click HERE.
This item is scheduled for 9:45 AM tomorrow in the Board hearing room(Hall of Administration, 800 S. Victoria, Ventura). We welcome any CoLAB members and supporters who would like to attend to help recognize this significant achievement. If you cannot join us in person but would like to view the meeting online at 9:45 tomorrow, please click HERE.