ISSUE #774 - APRIL 23, 2020
Spring is coming up fast! Check out our guides on fertilizers, greening up your lawn and more.
Estabrook's in Yarmouth and Kennebunk are both temporarily closed to ALL foot traffic. Please shop online using Estabrook's To Go for curbside pickup in Ya rmouth or delivery throughout Southern Maine.
Spring Fertilizing Guide
Spring is a great time to prepare your garden beds, bulbs, vegetables, trees and shrubs with fertilizer to create optimum growing conditions. Here at Estabrook's, we recommend organic solutions from Espoma, most notably Plant-tone and Holly-tone .

These two all-purpose plant foods will provide your garden with all the essential nutrients your plants will need and you're sure to notice the difference once spring is in full swing!

Follow these tips to get started...
Kerry's Tips of the Week
Happy Threesomes (Part 3)
The first two recommended "threesomes" were ideal for sun to part sun areas. Now it's time to introduce some superstars for part shade.

Read on to discover the latest picks in my "Happy Threesomes" series...
KERRY ANN MENDEZ  is an award-winning garden educator, author and design consultant based in southern Maine. Her latest book is  The Budget-Wise Gardener .

You'll now find her at Estabrook's consulting on  garden design , answering your gardening questions and much more.
Green Up Your Lawn with Lime
If you're looking for a greener, healthier lawn, an application of lime could be the answer. By applying lime to your lawn, you'll improve your soil, make more nutrients available to your grass and increase the effectiveness of a fertilizer treatment in the fall.
Beat the Spring Rush - Schedule Your Delivery Now!
We're now accepting delivery orders for bulk mulch, compost, soil and more.

You can place your delivery order online by visiting our website . Order volume has been very high, so we recommend placing your order as soon as possible. We're delivering on a first come, first serve basis. Thank you for your patience!

We're also offering curbside pickup of bulk products. To order, please visit our store in Yarmouth, park in the designated area and call us at 207-846-4398. We'll do the rest!
Estabrook's | (207) 846-4398 |