$57 Million Available for Innovative Finance and Asset Concession Grants:
Earlier this month, DOT’s Build America Bureau released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for a new program authorized by the BIL. The Innovative Finance and Asset Concession Grant Program makes $100 million available over five years to assist public entities in facilitating and evaluating public-private partnerships and exploring innovative financing and delivery opportunities for Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA)-eligible projects. The NOFO allocates funds for fiscal years 2022, 2023, and 2024, totaling $57.72 million. Grants up to $2 million are available, with the first million requiring no local match. Eligible applicants include states, tribal governments, local governments, special purpose public authorities, or agencies chartered by a state, tribal, or local government. Applications are due May 9.
Industrial Assessment Center (IACs):
DOE’s Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains (MESC) announced it is making up to $16 million in funding available for hiring technical assistance field managers across the Industrial Assessment Center (IACs) network and for building a clearinghouse to support IACs and assist small- and medium-manufacturers.
Climate Catalytic Capital (C3) Fund:
The Climate Catalytic Capital (C3) Fund, created with passage of the Climate Solutions Now Act (CSNA) of 2022, exists to increase implementation of clean energy measures and technologies intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impact of climate change. An allocation of $15M over three fiscal years is committed to the C3 Fund beginning in FY24.
Project Restore - DHCD:
The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) activates vacant buildings, supports small businesses, creates jobs, improves commercial corridors, and increases local economic activity by providing financial support to place-based economic development organizations working to improve the vitality of Maryland’s commercial corridors.
Prince George's County Community Gardens Mini-Grants:
The Chesapeake Bay Trust is proud to partner with Prince George’s County on the Prince George’s Community Gardens Mini Grant Program. This mini grant supports the creation and need for community gardens that provide resources to the Prince George’s County community while supporting the Prince George’s County Climate Action Plan. This funding opportunity is for up to $9,500.
Montgomery County Green Bank Technical Assistance Program Application Form:
In response to the market need, the Green Bank launched a Technical Assistance (TA) program that supports studies for commercial sector owners to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, generates jobs for contractors, and encourages compliance with County requirements. The studies inform and accelerate investment decisions in energy efficiency and renewable energy (e.g., solar PV) projects that improve building energy performance. In addition, our prequalified service providers help property owners benchmark their buildings, integrate the County’s evolving Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) requirements into multi-year building improvement plans, and understand the potential for electrification.
Montgomery County Energy Efficiency Program:
The Montgomery County Homeowner Energy Efficiency Program (MCEEP) is a FREE program through the Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs, administered by Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland aimed at reducing home energy usage for qualified Washington Gas customers.
Prince George's County Sustainable Energy Grants:
Check out the Energy Efficiency (Natural Gas Incentives Now Available), Solar PV, & Solar Water Heater Grants, Sustainable Energy - Energy Star Certification & Green Leasing Grant, Sustainable Energy Workforce Development Program (SEWDP), Energizing Student Potential (Energy Literacy) and the Green Energy Loan Fund from Prince George’s County.
Prince George's County Green Energy Loan Program:
The Program was created to advance public and private investment in clean energy and other innovative green technologies in Prince George’s County. This fund is a Pepco/Exelon sponsored program that supports an emerging industry in the County with loans up to $250,000 for commercial building energy efficiency improvements, energy conservation & renewable energy measures.
Maryland Urban & Community Forestry Grants:
The Maryland Urban and Community Forestry Committee (MUCFC) Grants program helps community groups fund tree planting and education projects statewide to enhance Maryland’s urban forest*. Community tree projects may be organized via schools, service organizations, homeowner organizations or other volunteer-based groups. The tree planting/educational projects must be located on public lands in parks, metropolitan areas, cities or towns. The maximum grant awarded per project is $1,000. Grant proposals are due to Grants Chair, with forestry board member original signature, by 4:30 p.m. on February and July 15. and reviewed shortly thereafter.
Urban Trees Mini-Grant -Chesapeake Bay Trust Deadline:
$5,000 to fund communities that would like to implement small tree planting projects. Tree planting proposed must occur in urban areas with low median household income levels, high unemployment, and neighborhoods with housing projects or that were historically red-lined at any time. Non-profit organizations, community and homeowner associations, faith-based organizations, and more can apply.
Charles County Forestry Grant Program - Chesapeake Bay Trust:
The goal of this program is to implement cost-effective reforestation and afforestation projects in the County that will increase tree canopy, create forest habitat, improve water quality, provide ecosystem services, such as potable water and air quality, and provide a natural cooling system to urban heat. This will ultimately enhance the health and wellbeing of human and natural communities in the County’s local watersheds and the Chesapeake Bay. equests for funding from this program will generally be less than $20,000 and should be generally less than $4,500 per acre.