GSEP Newsletter for July, 2024
Grand Staircase Escalante Partners (GSEP) hosted seven members of the Hopi Tribe in June. Our shared goals were to implement low-tech erosion controls and protect important desert springs, while connecting to the land with Hopi partners. This pilot project was a team effort led by our Tribal Liaison (Georgie Pongyesva), Conservation Programs Manager (Kevin Berend), and Stewardship Programs Manager (Kaitlin Martin). Kaitlin provided photos of the event, and her and Kevin's staff assisted in the field.
The trip began with a long drive from Arizona that included educational stops at Glen Canyon Dam and the Colorado River at Lees Ferry that provided landscape-scale connections. Human activity is known to increase erosion 100 times faster than it naturally occurs. To combat this type of erosion, we built 12 one-rock dams, one rock mulch rundown, and one plunge pool structure. These low-tech, process-based restoration methods can dramatically slow water as it travels across the land. The next day we were joined by US Forest Service staff as we built a fence around an important spring in the Dixie National Forest. This spring contributes to the headwaters of the Escalante River, and provides breeding habitat for spadefoot toads and aquatic invertebrates.
Our Hopi partners were either young adults interested in building careers in natural resources, or Cultural Advisors who have extensive experience in Hopi cultural practices and knowledge or natural resource management, and some had extensive knowledge in both areas! We facilitated the partnership by providing transportation, food, lodging, camping equipment, and stipends (young adults) or honoraria (Cultural Advisors).
The pilot partnership was really productive, and we look forward to partnering with Hopi, Paiute, and other Native peoples in future projects. Look out for an announcement about another fencing project scheduled for August, and thanks for your support of our growing partnership program!