2017 Digital Camera Grant
"Having access to DSLR cameras allows students to capture images with all manual settings. This means that students can take complete control of the exposure, and therefore the outcome, of their images. The impact of using professional cameras in photography class means students can go beyond only considering the subject or composition of their images and can truly craft images according to their own intentions. Understanding the exposure triangle is fundamental to a foundational photography education and through the use of these cameras LFHS students are gaining pivotal skills."
~ Samantha Barratt, Photography Teacher at LFHS
PHOTO 1 Students learning how to use the exposure triangle when shooting.
This 2017 grant provided 28 new Canon EOS Rebel T6 Digital SLR Camera kits with 18-55mm lens, 75-300mm lens, and camera cases. These are photos taken by this year's Photo 1 students.
"Thank you to the LFHS Foundation for this valuable gift!"
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