June 2024

Summer at Villanova

While the summer months offer a bit of a respite to our academic schedule, I know many of us are busy taking and teaching summer classes, doing research and trying to find that elusive time to write. I hope all of us make it a priority to take some time off.

For our students who graduated this May, I want to thank you for all your tremendous contributions to our Villanova community. I am inspired by your passion for scholarship and your commitment to working to make our world a better place. You always have a home at Villanova, and, even after graduation, services such as the Nova Network and the Career Center can help you navigate your academic and professional journeys.

This month, I also wish to extend a hearty welcome to our new graduate students who have joined our community this summer or will be starting classes in the Fall 2024 semester! Each month, GRAD CLAS NOTES will share news, events and information from our graduate community. I hope you find it an instructive and inspiring read.

I hope you are enjoying your summer and taking some time to relax and recharge. You deserve it!

Emory H. Woodard IV, PhD, Dean of Graduate Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Graduate Studies News

Philosophy PhD Graduate Works at the Forefront of the Ethics of Technology

Christopher Quintana ’24 PhD sees the value of philosophy for the world,” says Villanova University Professor of Philosophy Sally Scholz, PhD. Dr. Quintana, who graduated from Villanova’s Philosophy doctoral program in May, specializes in the philosophy and ethics of technology. His dissertation, Characterizing Digital Design: A Philosophical Approach, evaluates user interface and experience design through Aristotle’s ideas of virtues, especially the virtue of practical rationality. Specifically, he explores how technology design can impact and undermine an individual’s capacity for independent practical reasoning. What happens to us when so much of our social and personal activity is mediated by technology? How do our relationships to technology change? READ MORE

CONCEPT Celebrates Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Scholarship 

This spring, graduate students, faculty and staff in the Villanova University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences celebrated the launch of 47th edition of CONCEPT, the interdisciplinary scholarly journal of CLAS graduate students. The CONCEPT Graduate Research Prize was awarded to graduate English student Sarah Gregory '24 MA for her paper, "In a Mirror Clearly: Narrative-based Interventional and Restorative Possibilities in There There." READ MORE

Villanova Magazine Spring 2024

Read the Spring 2024 issue of Villanova Magazine online! This issue contains articles about Environmental Science faculty and students studying air quality in subways; a graduate Theology student's experience as an Opus Prize Ambassador; entrepreneurial alumni; transformative new campus spaces; and more stories with Grad CLAS connections. READ MORE

Upcoming Academic Calendar Important Dates

Campus Courses

(including Classical Studies)

HRD and Online MPA Courses

  • July 1 – Summer II classes begin
  • July 4 – No classes
  • August 6 – Summer II last day for Authorized Withdrawal without Academic Penalty (WX)
  • August 18 – Summer II last day of classes
Events, Reminders and Information

Off-Campus Housing

Looking for a new place to live? In search of a roommate? Check out Villanova’s Off-Campus Housing website to access map-based housing search, roommate finder, sublet options and other important resources.

Summer Professional Development Support Requests

Graduate students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences may apply for funds to support their summer professional development efforts. A limited number of awards will be made based on demonstrated need and merit. Typical awards will be in the amount of $500 but more may be requested. All requests for funding must be submitted before the professional development activity takes place and students will be reimbursed for expenses incurred between June 1, 2024, and May 31, 2025. Please submit your requests through the Professional Development Support Request Form.

Graduate Student Funding Opportunities and Job Listings

Are you looking for an hourly position on campus in the summer or fall? Check out the Graduate Student Funding Opportunities page for current openings for a variety of funding opportunities across campus as well as the Villanova Jobs Portal for upcoming campus positions!

Career Services for Graduate Students 

Villanova recognizes and supports the unique career needs of graduate student as they pursue new academic and career goals. With this in mind, the Career Center offers tailored advising and guidance as well as online resources that use the latest technology to network, polish your resume, job search, prepare for an interview and more. Learn more about Graduate Career Services.

Handshake – The Villanova Job Resource

Handshake is Villanova’s go-to resource for jobs, internships, events, and more! This mobile career management platform intuitively connects you to relevant opportunities based on your profile, interests and search activity. Through Handshake, you can apply for positions, explore companies and connections and sign up for career fairs and workshops all in one place. Learn more about Handshake.

Student Support Services Overview

Academic Support


Student Health and Well-Being

  • Student Health Center: Open 24/7 during semester. Offering health care to students with individualized attention and timely service. ($25 office visit for graduate students).
  • University Counseling Center: Providing services that help students function optimally with regard to emotional, academic, social and psychological issues.
  • Office of Health Promotion: Empowering students to create healthy learning environments and make responsible, educated choices to maintain balance.
  • Fitness Centers: Campus locations and operating hours available online.
  • Nova Nook: Providing supplemental personal necessities to students in need.


Tech Support

  • UNIT Tech Zone: Providing support for all hardware, software and technical problems that students may have with their personal laptop and other on-campus computing experiences.

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