Group of Forty GLOBAL Newsletter | Issue 314 | January-February 2024

2024-GOF Bi-monthly news header

Overview of the GOF for 2024

By David K. Miller

We are starting a new year in 2024, and the Group of Forty is entering this new year stronger than ever. We have over one thousand members around the world, and our monthly lectures and newsletters are being translated into German, Portuguese, and Spanish. Our membership in South America continues to grow, and the number of new Planetary Cities of Light is also growing. Membership growth in Brazil is especially strong. Recently, we did an Ocean Reserve of Light activation in Cuba.  

We have a very strong and active Group of Forty advisory board that meets monthly, and we now have a Spanish advisory board to help us direct the many Spanish-speaking members, especially in South America, who are joining the GOF. We have a Council of Elders board that meets monthly. This board focuses on connecting with the Galactic masters and the Galactic Council. The goal of this Council of Elders is to provide and assess the Earth’s readiness for the ascension.


As I look forward to the year 2024, then I try to project goals and strategies for improving our work. It is important to emphasize that as a spiritual organization, our main goal is to promote Arcturian teachings and personal and planetary ascension. We know that the Fifth Dimension is closer to us than before, but we are still having to work within the limitations of the Third Dimension. Some of the goals and strategies that we will be focusing on in 2024 include:

  1. Using social media more effectively to get our Arcturian messages out, including YouTube and Telegram. 
  2. To maintain our German, Spanish, and Portuguese work, which broadens our global outreach.  
  3. We will continue to expand our Planetary Cities of Light network which also includes activating Oceans Reserves of Light.
  4. We are planning to hold quarterly webinar meetings for our members on the internet. We began his service last year, and the participation showed us that it was well received and successful in helping us reach out to our worldwide members.  
  5. We will continue our strong Biorelativity planetary healing program, which includes over twenty planetary healing meditations per month held around the world. In German, English, Portuguese, and Spanish. 
  6. We will continue to produce and translate our monthly newsletter which helps us communicate better with our members.  
  7. We will continue to offer GOF webinars and training on special topics such as Homo Omega and healing techniques from the Arcturian. (On a personal note, I am working with several members now to produce a new Arcturian e-book called: “Advanced Arcturian Healing Techniques with Helio-ah from the Fifth Dimension.” This e-book will be available on in English and Portuguese soon.”)
  8. We will continue our popular monthly Question and Answers sessions which are now being transcribed in English and translated into Spanish.  

I appreciate your support! We need more volunteer help and we are currently looking for members to join Biorelativity and Planetary Cities of Light committees. We welcome new volunteers who want to help us further with our social media efforts. It is wonderful to see our GOF network thrive, and I personally look forward to meeting as many members as possible in 2024. Also, we have put together a strong and capable international leadership team who are eager to support and inform you of our methods and Arcturian work for healing the planet and bringing forth the ascension.

Gudrun Miller Starseeds Counseling Header

Dear Gudrun,

I am not seeking medical advice but need help coping with ongoing medical issues.

I am middle-aged now and have always taken good care of myself in all ways. Last year I had to have surgery and again this year. I won't go into specifics but will just say the surgeries caused me to feel helpless and lost. Medical people working with me have no answers about the cause of my illness.

I have many trained healers plus allopathic physicians helping. I also use spiritual guidance and am connected to my spirit teachers.

Knowing all that I do to care for myself, how can I get sick?? The condition is not curable. I hope to stabilize my body health at best.  

I am not scared of dying but I need to stay in body to care for my children who still need me.

Have I failed myself? I even feel shame about getting ill thinking I should have done better. It is my fault, I believe.

Do you have any words or thoughts to help me cope?

Lost My Way.

Dear Lost,

I know that you have been very mindful of your health in all areas and am not surprised that you feel the way you do. I am sad to hear that you are struggling and that you feel overwhelmed.

I think many of us are dealing with health issues now of unknown causes. The planet is compromised too. Juliano has told us that there are no places on the Earth that are free of pollution and stress. This affects all of us.

Shaming yourself and looking to blame yourself will not help. You have had stable health until now so your strategies have worked.

Now is a time in your life to let your intuition and guidance lead you into solutions. You may have to change out your health protocol. Be open to new insights and new strategies. Stay hopeful.

You have wonderful children and have created a beautiful life for yourself. All is not lost.

Find Joy, if you can, in your current life in spite of the medical crisis.

Much Love to You,

Gudrun R Miller signature
David Miller Monthly Lectures Header

The next lecture is on Saturday, February 3, 2024 at 5:45 - 6:45 p.m. Phoenix, Arizona time (MST). We will be meeting on international phone line, which is specific for each country. An email announcement will be sent out one week prior with the phone number and access code. You can check the teleconference/lecture time against your local time by using either: or Contact David Miller at for more information.

David Miller announcements

Q and A policy: Deadline for submission of your questions is the day (Thursday) before the session. Please do not submit personal questions. All GOF members will receive the Q&A transcript for its valuable information. The Q&A transcripts will be posted on our website and members only will have access to the transcript through a special weblink that we will send out to our members.  Donations for participating in the session are still encouraged, and participation in the live call is $6. Payments can be sent to

Lecture: The lecture recording will be posted to our website shortly after the session.


Happy New Year to you our Group of Forty Family! 

We had a successful year in our biorelativity efforts in 2023 and ended the year with a powerful worldwide meditation with Juliano to download the energies of the Fifth Dimensional Earth into the Third Dimensional Earth for 2024. The year is off to a great start and our team is committed to bringing in this higher Fifth Dimensional light of balance and harmony to our beloved Earth. We have a dedicated international team coordinating and hosting planetary and personal healing meditations on a weekly basis in North America, South America, Australia, and Europe. All of our meditations come from the many years of David K. Miller’s channelings with the Arcturians and we are so very grateful for them. Our Biorelativity Committee meets monthly to oversee the program and we are happy to share that we have most recently welcomed Dawn Koerten (Wisconsin, USA) and Hannah Taylor-Jones (UK GOF Coordinator). We are currently seeking more presenters and would love to hear from you if this interests you. Please email me at for more information or for any questions you might have. 

A reminder that the website is a very useful resource. A more detailed section on biorelativity can be found here: 

The monthly schedule containing all the information you need to access our meditations can also be found here:

The recordings are posted on the website daily, as well as on our private Telegram groups. If you have not already joined our Telegram group for North America, please use the invite link:, and for our group in Australia/New Zealand.

Many blessings for this bright New Year! May it be filled with love and joy!

With love and gratitude,

Tracy Linde contact info

Activations Continue in English, Spanish, and Portuguese!

Greetings all!

We hope you had a wonderful start to the New Year! The PCOL program did with two activations this month. We activated an ocean reserve of light in Cuba, Perla del Caribe, and yet another City of Light in Brazil, Planeta Juma in Rio Grande do Sul. Congratulations to Perla del Caribe & Juma Planeta, and welcome once again to the PCOL/PROL network. 

We have an active schedule coming up this year with four activations already scheduled for the month of February and many more to come. We encourage you to join the activations that are in Spanish or Portuguese even if you don’t speak the language. The channelings are always in English, so you can follow along. The more Arcan power the better! So please check your emails for more information on dates and times. 

We are seeking individuals to join our PCOL committee and are especially looking for potential members in Mexico and South America who speak English. If anyone is interested in participating in the committee, contact Marcela & Jader at

Let’s keep the network growing!

Many blessings to you all,

Marcela-Jader photo-contact

In the past four years, we have seen progress and consolidated online work at all levels, promoting global groups and meditations with a larger audience of Spanish, French, and Brazilian Portuguese-speaking attendees. This has given greater prominence and height to the monthly online meditations and to the webinars of the Arcturian School.

Additionally, in Spain, the monthly online meetings with the GOF of Spain have strengthened and consolidated the peninsular network, intensifying the bond between coordinators and members of the different groups. The interest in general online meditations has increased since the result is more satisfactory and effective in large groups than in small groups.  

The Arcturian School has contributed greatly to the renewal and progress of the groups in Spain and to the success of global meditations, providing resources and teachings and promoting the understanding and acceptance of the galactic.


The fourth Saturday of each month is the GOF/PCOL monthly meeting day for active groups in Spain. On that day, all the PCOL groups meet to carry out a monthly Reactivation of their PCOL in the window from 12 to 15:30 and, in the afternoon, both the GOF groups and the PCOL groups attend the monthly online Biorelativity meditation.


  1. Meditations of the Group of Forty of Spain every second Saturday of the month at 12:00 noon in Spain, in which we carry out exercises for the protection, healing and spiritual elevation of the country and all the Planetary Cities of Light of the peninsular network.
  2. Advanced Biorelativity Meditations with international participation every fourth Saturday of the month at 5:00 p.m. in Spain. We have a list of subscribers who receive the agendas and we also post the announcements on our GOF Facebook group.
  3. Meditations in the Virtual Temple with a monthly agenda that we send to our subscribers and post in our Virtual Temple Facebook group.
  4. Mindfulness practices in the Virtual Temple every second Thursday at 8:00 p.m. in Spain to strengthen greater receptivity to the Arcturian messages and techniques.
  5. Monthly channeling with Tomar through Ana Rosa Moreno in the Virtual Temple. We send the agenda to our subscribers and post the announcement in our Virtual Temple Facebook group.

You can consult our agendas:

1- Grupo 40 Spain: 

2- Virtual Temple: 

Magda Ferrer of Spain


Coba is an ancient Maya city on the Yucatán Peninsula, located in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. The site is the nexus of the largest network of stone causeways of the ancient Maya world, and it contains many engraved and sculpted stelae that document ceremonial life and important events.


Archaeological evidence indicates that Cobá was first settled between 50 BC and 100 AD. At that time, there was a town with buildings of wood and palm fronds and flat platforms.

Coba is located around two lagoons, Lake Coba and Lake Macanxoc. A series of elevated stone and plaster roads radiate from the central site to various smaller sites near and far. These are known by the Maya term "sacbe" or white road. The site contains a group of large temple pyramids known as the Nohoch Mul. 

Coba was estimated to have had some 50,000 inhabitants at its peak of civilization, and the built-up area extends over some 80 km2. After 100 AD, the area around Coba evidenced strong population growth, and with it an increase in its social and political status among Maya city states which would ultimately make Coba one of the biggest and most powerful city-states in the northern Yucatán area.

Coba remained an important site in the Post-Classic era and new temples were built and old ones kept in repair until at least the 14th century.

Coba maintained close contacts with the large city-states of Guatemala and the south of Campeche like Tikal, Dzibanche, or Calakmul. To maintain its influence, Coba established military alliances and arranged marriages among their elites.

After 1000 AD, Coba lost much of its political weight among city-states, although it maintained some symbolic and religious importance. Coba was abandoned at the time the Spanish conquered the peninsula around 1550.



GOF Member News

Jader and Marcela, members of the GOF Advisory Board and coordinators of the PCOL program, are visiting the Arcturian Temple in Brazil. This is a picture of them with the owner taken on January 18th, 2024.  More information will follow in the next issue on the details of their visit to the Arcturian temple. 

Photos inside Brazil Temple
Jader-Marcela visit Brazil Temple
New GOF Member header
Welcome All New GOF Members!
For the first few weeks after joining the GOF, please check your junk/spam mailbox occasionally. You could have communications sent by your County Coordinators that you are not aware of. These communications could be alerting you to special events and meditations.

And this is also good advice for long-time members. Who really knows what happens with technology these days, and cancel culture.

Joining the GOF is a powerful way to lend your energies to the Group thought field. Together we can change the outcome.

Cora Lierman email
Welcome New GOF Members!

We would like to extend a warm welcome to the following new members who joined the Group of Forty in November and December 2023!

We would also like to welcome the many new members from Mexico, Brazil, and other South American countries!

New GOF Members Nov-Dec 2023
New signature-Birgit Smothers
GOF YouTube Header

I would like to invite you all to explore the Group of Forty YouTube channel:

New videos are uploaded weekly. All our videos have subtitles in all the languages. In order to see them you have to select them. Activate the CC button first. Then you would go and click on the settings and choose “auto-translate.”


There are several playlists. If you are a coordinator you might want to keep an eye on the “Meditations by others” playlist. These meditations led by various GOF members are either Biorelativity or PCOL meditations. Transcripts are available upon request.


Please subscribe to the channel. If you click the “bell” button, you will receive an email notification every time a new video is uploaded.

Vera Le Doux signature
Instagram icon

GOF is now on Instagram: find it under Arcturian Group of Forty!

Social Media Asst job
We are happy to announce that David's new book, “Connecting with the Arcturians 5,” is now available as an eBook!

Direct Amazon link:
Kindle edition by Miller, David K.. Kindle eBooks @

It is also available on Apple iTunes, Google Play, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.
David's Latest Book, Connecting with the Arcturians 4, is available now as an e-book and a hard copy book through Light Technology Publishing.
You can also find it on Amazon at this link. This fourth book contains the most up-to-date information on ascension that is available, including new spiritual techniques to aid the process.

David's earlier books: "Connecting With the Arcturians" and "Connecting with the Arcturians 2" and "Connecting with the Arcturians 3" by David K. Miller, offer a comprehensive presentation on the ideas and views of an extra-dimensional, extra-terrestrial civilization on the Earth situation from the planet Arcturus.
Subjects included in this fascinating presentation are: 1) the Arcturians' view of the ascension or "rapture;" 2) what is the Fifth Dimension and how we, as the human race, are evolving toward the higher dimension; 3) the impending Earth peril and dangers to the Earth biospheres; 4) Jesus' (or Sananda's) role in the ascension and why he has a new name in the higher realms; 5) The Arcturian Stargate, a soul transfer station referred to in the Edgar Cayce's writings. When we finish the Earth's incarnations, we can travel to the Stargate for our next "soul assignment."
This first book also describes a new concept in spirituality, the Arcturian Sacred Triangle. For the first time, the Arcturians offer a way of uniting Earth's spirituality so that a planetary healing can occur. Readers will learn how ascended Native Americans' mystical Earth spirituality and galactic extra dimensional spirituality can be united to enhance a healing for the entire planet.
> David's book, Connecting With the Arcturians3, is available for
purchase in soft cover from Light Technology Publishing.
> David's book, Connecting With the Arcturians2, is available for purchase in soft cover from Light Technology Publishing.
> David's book, 5th Dimensional Soul Psychology: Channelings by Vywamus, is available on the
> David's book in Spanish, "Enseñanzas del Sagrado Triángulo Arcturiano," is available in the Kindle Store and may be purchased using this link.The follow-up to this book, "Connecting  with the Arcturians 2", focuses on planetary transformation from a galactic perspective. It covers such topics as embracing galactic spirituality and planetary evolution, the aura enhancing technique known as shimmering and much more. The reader also gains more understanding of the planetary healing technology such as biorelativity and other global healing techniques.
You can buy these books at the following links:

Visit Light Technology Publishing or call Light Technology at
800-450-0985 to order your hard copy of any of David's books.

All of these books are available as e-books and paperbacks on Amazon. Simply go to:

Our Purpose:

"40 Groups of 40 will be formed for Personal and Planetary Healing - Bringing us to the Fifth Dimension!"


We are dedicated to teaching humanity about the ascension to the Fifth Dimension. We coordinate the creation and maintenance of Planetary Cities of Light and conduct Biorelativity Exercises to create energy for positive change in the world.

To join Group of Forty, click the button below or visit

Join Group of Forty button

Copyright ©2024 David K. Miller | P.O. Box 4074, Prescott, AZ 86302 USA | Phone: 928‐776‐1717

Visit our websites:


Spanish: Inicio - Group of Forty


Romania website

Newsletter edited by David Miller and Jeri Denniston ( with editorial help from

Birgit Smothers. If you have articles to contribute, please send them to: by the 18th of each month.

Tree of Life
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and stay connected!
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