Membership provides many benefits to you and your organization. Have you taken advantage of the many benefits available to you as a GNJMA Member? Benefits include, newsletters and member alerts on hot industry regulatory and legislative issues, advocacy and lobbying effort on your behalf, discounted AC parking rates, NYC parking summons management, an employee perks program, background checks, discounted driver safety training, savings on everyday operating expenses, FREE meetings and educational events including Spring, Fall and Annual Driver Safety meetings, a Scholarship Program, a buying consortium, hard copy and online member directory, many networking opportunities and an active Board made up of caring members. Make sure to login to the GNJMA website to get more details!
Find Fellow Members & Sponsors!
There is a full member directory on the GNJMA website beyond the Member Login area, as well as other information. However, the 2021 Membership Directory books will be mailed out in January. If you would like to place an ad in the membership directory, please contact us! As always, sponsors get an ad placed as part of their sponsorship package. For a full listing of our sponsors, or to find out about the different sponsorship opportunities, please visit our website or contact Pattie Cowley.
Refer a Member!
If you would like to refer a new member to the GNJMA, please have them visit our website or contact Pattie Cowley.
The Annual Scholarship Golf Outing was held October 14th at the beautiful Atlantic City Country Club. We would like to again thank our sponsors who supported the event:
Dixon Golf was onsite and gave out $19,800 worth of gifts and prizes! In addition, their Dixon Challenge and Aurelius Challenge, raised $500 for our association!
We also held our own contests. This year, first place honors went to the foursome including Tom Taylor, Steven O'Shea, Greg Lukas and Peter Cohen, second place honors went to the Stout's foursome, Longest Drive award went to Meg Lewis for women, Shawn Stout for men. The Best Dressed award went to Trisha Fridrich of The L&W Team. Check her out in her paper-slaying dragon suit below!
A great time was had by all at the Meet & Mingle networking evening event, hosted by GNJMA at Steel Pier. Networking, catching-up, cocktails, multiple food displays, and axe throwing highlighted the evening.
We also presented two industry "icons" with retirement plaques; Nate Karp (Greyhound Bus Lines) and Mike Trageser (Wind Creek Bethlehem). Both Nate and Mike served on the GNJMA Board of Directors over the years, and have always been huge advocates for our industry. Again, congratulations! (see photos below).
We thank Sharon Franz and Steel Pier for helping to organize a wonderful evening!
Attendees, please take a few moments to provide your feedback. Deadline is 11/9.
P.S. We will randomly select one lucky respondent to receive a VISA gift card!
Pattie Cowley, Executive Director, would like to express a SPECIAL THANK YOU to our awesome volunteers, Allan Doerr and Mike Trageser!
The Scholarship Program Awards were distributed, prior to the event, to the two winning applicants, with each receiving $1500 for their education endeavors and a plaque from the Board of Directors. The Scholarship Committee reviewed over 12 applicants blindly, before making their decision for each category. We would like to thank them for their efforts: Mike Trageser, Steve Weiss, Tony Mongiovi, Frank Sorvino, Tony Febbo and Rich Eckelson.
Congratulations to Cory Bushner (Nominated by Allied Member Wind Creek Bethlehem) and Jessie Kozicki (Nominated by Operator Member Stout's Transportation)! We are all proud of you and can’t wait to see what your future holds.
Cory Bushner
Jessie Kozicki
For more information on the Scholarship Program, please visit our website.
The application period for 2021 will open 1/1 and runs through 3/31.
The Board of Directors Meeting was held the next day, October 15th at Caesars.
We thank Rich Eckelson and his team at Caesars who hosted our Board meeting and luncheon. They paid close attention to details and abided by rules for indoor capacity and a socially-distanced room setup. The Board discussions included updates on financials, membership value, 2021 outlook, legislative/advocacy efforts and contracts. Thank you to our Board for their continued support and volunteerism on behalf of all members!
Golf and Meet & Mingle Photo Gallery
Contact: Pattie Cowley, Executive Director | Greater New Jersey Motorcoach Association 908-750-4538 | |