GNF Members Update 8 June - Issue 42

Dear Member

In today's update, we have guidance on who can be provided accommodation whilst travel restrictions remain in place. There are also two items on social distancing and questions about which additional council rules/restrictions would aid tourism's reopening.

Who can businesses currently accommodate?
Advice still states that businesses providing holiday accommodation for leisure related stays must remain closed until 4 July. The guidance does provide further information for accommodation providing services for other purposes.

Hotels with large grounds can now be made available to the public as long as guidance on accessing green spaces safely is followed. Hotels providing a takeaway food and drink service, should not allow guests to use outdoor seating to eat and drink. This new guidance will also help outdoor attractions and heritage properties who were, until now, not allowed to serve food to visitors at their sites.
Impact of Social Distancing
Whilst the WTO recommends distancing of 1m, the UK Government’s 2m distancing severely impacts hospitality businesses' ability to generate revenue and therefore ieconomic viability. The link to the licensed Vintners Association below compares the different impacts of the two scales.

Reductions in Social Distancing?
To ensure the most effective reopening of hospitality after 4 July, the Tourism Alliance is lobbying on social distancing measurements and has asked GNF to provide responses to the following questions:
  • Would reducing the current 2m distance to 1.5m or 1m significantly improve productivity? If yes, please provide examples and data, where possible. 
  • Do businesses in different areas of the UK require different considerations on reopening?
  • Are there particular transportation capacity and/or schools reopening considerations for the reopening of your business?
Could you please send any responses to the above to by tomorrow lunchtime (Tuesday 9 June).

Council Rules that could be Waived/Eased
DCMS are working with MHCLG on easing council rules and restrictions to support the reopening of tourism businesses. Tourism Alliance has already suggested the following:
  • removing seasonality restrictions on the operation of Caravan parks
  • removing restrictions on long-term lets on self-catering properties
  • removing restriction on the operation of coaches at tourism destinations
  • removing restriction on restaurant and pubs putting tables outside and time restrictions on using outside areas
Please supply any further examples of restrictions that could be eased to help your business to by tomorrow lunchtime (Tuesday 9 June).

Upcoming GNF Virtual Sector Group Meetings
The following Sector Group Zoom meetings have been scheduled - invitations will be sent to each group with agenda and joining instructions:
Attractions  - Tuesday 9 June at 11am
Bed & Breakfast  - Wednesday 10 June at 11am
Self-Catering  - Thursday 11 June at 11am
Holiday Parks & Camp Sites   - Tuesday 16 June at 11am
Hotels Pubs Inns & Restaurants -  Wednesday 17 June at 11am

With best wishes,
