GNF Members Update 3 June - Issue 40

Dear Member
Insurance has been a very significant issue for members during the crisis so it’s good to see that the FCA are seeking a legal ruling on Business Interruption Insurance. The Government has also issued new guidance on outdoor recreation and sports which will support a lot more businesses being able to re-open. We finish the update with a couple of surveys which demonstrate more consumers are starting to plan for a UK holiday this summer, which is great news for all of us.
Draft Guidance for Insurance Companies
As part of its investigation into Coronavirus related business interruption insurance, the FCA have published draft guidance on their expectations for insurers and insurance intermediaries when handling claims and complaints for business interruption policies during the test case. The guidance highlights the steps businesses should be taking to:
  • identify the potential implications of the test case on their decisions to reject claims
  • keep policyholders informed about the test case and its implications for policies, claims and any settlement offers
  • treat policyholders fairly when the test case is resolved
In preparation for the test case, they have reviewed over 500 relevant policies from 40 insurers and identified a sample of 17 policy wordings that capture the majority of the key issues that could be in dispute – and set out a timetable for the court case which is scheduled for the second half of July

New Outdoor Q&A
With the easing of lockdown restrictions today, the Government has published a new Q&A regarding what people can and can’t now do. While most of it is pretty straight forward in terms of meaning friends and relatives, there is a curious section regarding business travel which says:
You are not permitted to stay overnight away from the place where you are living for a holiday or similar purpose. This includes staying overnight in a second home.  If your work requires you to stay away from home you can do but should continue to practice social distancing.
Premises such as hotels and bed and breakfasts will remain closed, except where providing accommodation for specific reasons set out in law, such as for critical workers where required for a reason relating to their work.
So we have a situation where people are allowed to undertake business travel, but accommodation businesses are not allowed to accept them (unless they are critical workers).
DEFRA Outdoor Guidance
DEFRA has produced new guidance on outdoor spaces. Of particular interest, the guidance says that you can now:
  • take part in other outdoor sports and activities, including fishing, in groups of up to six people, or household groups, provided you adhere to strict social distancing guidelines
  • take part in all forms of water sports practised on open waterways, including sailing, windsurfing, canoeing, rowing, kayaking, surfing, paddle-boarding and the use of privately-owned motorised craft 
The Tourism Alliance has asked DCMS for clarification on whether this means that outdoor activity-related businesses such as blue badge guiding, countryside walking guides, paddle sports, kayaking trips are now allowed and they are checking this.

Reopening High Streets Guidance – Version 2
This new version will be of interest as it seems to allow opportunities to develop campaigns that support restarting businesses in tourism destinations.

BVA/BDRC Consumer Survey
Highlights from week 10’s survey shows a notable increase in consumer planning for a UK holiday in the next 1-3 months and a shortening of the lead time for visits to Visitor Attractions. 

VB Consumer Survey
VisitBritain has commissioned a weekly tracking survey to understand domestic consumer intent to take short breaks and holidays both within the UK and abroad. The survey will address: When and where consumers plan to go; specific trip details such as accommodation type and activities and the type of reassurances they're seeking from the sector. The survey will run for a 13-week period and the for first week’s results.

Upcoming GNF Virtual Sector Group Meetings
The following Sector Group Zoom meetings have been scheduled - invitations will be sent to each group with agenda and joining instructions:
Attractions  - Tuesday 9 June at 11am
Bed & Breakfast  - Wednesday 10 June at 11am
Self-Catering  - Thursday 11 June at 11am
Hotels Pubs Inns & Restaurants -  Wednesday 17 June at 11am
Holiday Parks & Camp Sites   - Tuesday 16 June at 11am

With best wishes,
