GNF Members Update 25 June - Issue 50

Dear Member

At last, VisitEngland's Covid-19 Recovery Scheme details have been published.

" We’re Good To Go" Scheme launched
The UK-wide industry standard and consumer mark to provide consumer confidence as tourism re-opens has finally been launched. VisitEngland have produced the initiative in partnership with the national tourist organisations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. 

The We’re Good To Go industry standard and supporting mark means businesses across the sector can demonstrate that they are adhering to the respective Government and public health guidance, have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment and check they have the required processes in place. 

The scheme is free to join and open to all businesses across the sector. 

To obtain the mark businesses must complete a self-assessment through our online platform including a check-list confirming they have put the necessary processes in place, before receiving certification and the ‘We’re Good To Go’ mark for display in their premises and online. 

Businesses across the UK are required to follow their respective national guidance, including the social distancing and cleanliness protocols that must be in place. In England, businesses must align with the UK Government’s official guidance for the sector  

These include:
  • Hotels and accommodation providers will need to introduce deep cleaning regimes between guests.
  • Meal services including breakfasts will need to be pre-booked and timed, and shared facilities will only be accessible to one family group at a time.
  • Timed tickets will be introduced for exhibitions, theme parks, galleries and attractions to reduce the number of visitors in locations at the same time.
  • One way systems, clear floor markings and a queue management system should be in place to maintain social distancing measures at all attractions and help to limit contact between both staff and visitors.
  • Organisations should also encourage cashless payments throughout to avoid cross contamination.
  • In addition, visitor attractions will need to introduce regular deep cleaning regimes across their site and some interactive displays will need to be temporarily closed. 
An ‘alert’ system has also been set up to ensure that businesses signed up to the ‘We’re Good To Go’ industry standard are notified if there are changes to the official guidance. A call-handling service will provide support and assessors will also carry-out random spot-checks to ensure businesses are adhering to the guidance.
The scheme has been developed in partnership with Tourism Northern Ireland, VisitScotland and Visit Wales to ensure a standard-led approach across the UK with input from more than 40 industry bodies including UK Hospitality, the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions, the British Holiday & Home Parks Association, the British Beer and Pub Association and the National Caravan Council, as well as destination management organisations across the country such as Go New Forest. The self-assessment includes specific guidelines for sectors including accommodation, visitor attractions, restaurants and pubs, business conference and events venues and tour and coach operators with signposting to further industry and trade association guidance as required.
Alongside the industry standard, we have launched a ‘Know Before You Go’ public information campaign to support tourism in England as businesses start to re-open, reassuring visitors as restrictions are lifted by checking about what it is safe to do and when, and sign-posting to information about destinations and available services before travelling. We are inviting you to take part in this national campaign and have created a free toolkit for you to download containing access to assets and the “Know Before You Go” campaign messaging for you to use in your own marketing activity.

Go New Forest Arrangements
We will be adding details of both the 'We're Good to Go' and 'Know Before You Go' schemes on our Covid-19 page on

GNF Members who have completed their risk assessment and been awarded the 'We're Good to Go' Mark, should then email and the Mark logo will be added to your product page.

Upcoming GNF Virtual Sector Group Meetings
The following Sector Group Zoom meetings have been scheduled - invitations will be sent to each group with agenda and joining instructions. Please note that due to the constant churn of meetings, we are unable to provide notes of each meeting.
Holiday Parks & Camp Sites - Thursday 25 June at 11am
Hotels PIR Group - Wednesday 1 July at 11am
Attractions, Activities & Events - Tuesday 14 July at 11am
Bed & Breakfast - Wednesday 15 July at 2pm
Self-Catering - Thursday 16 July at 11am

Covid-19 Related Suppliers
We are adding Member recommended suppliers to our rolling list, so please send any of your own recommended suppliers/services that will assist our members in preparing and operating during the re-opening phase to .

Kind regards
