GNF Members Update 21 March

Dear All
In light of the PM's statement yesterday on the enforced closure of pubs, restaurants and cafes, we have adjusted the COVID-19 message on the website. You can read the message here .

Some of our hotels have already taken the decision to close their doors until further notice, and in addition to the list in yesterday's Member Update the following businesses, Careys Manor & Montagu Arms, the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu and Adventure Wonderland have also chosen to close until further notice.

Please ensure you update your product page on the destination website to reflect any changes you are making as a business to your operational arrangements. Yesterday the website was operating at 50% capacity which means plenty of people are still viewing it, and it is likely to remain the main source of information about the New Forest for visitors and locals alike.

We will of course continue to keep you updated of any further Government statements and critical changes in circumstance as they arise.

You can also visit the  VisitBritain/VisitEngland website  where they continue to share advice for businesses and links to key updates and information.

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With very best wishes,
