GNF Members Update 11 June - Issue 44

 Dear Member,
Interesting that the Scottish Government’s statement on tourism sets out a midweek re-opening date of 15 July, whilst Ireland has brought its date forward and is now opening on 29 June.

There’s not a huge amount else to report today other than the potential parallels for us in the basic plans for the re-opening of non-essential retail from this Monday.
Retail Coronavirus Secure Notice
Non-essential retail businesses are able to open from next Monday, provided that they follow government guidelines to keep staff and customers as safe as possible. The Government has produced a notice for shops to display that shows customers that they have:
  • carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment and shared the results with the people who work there
  • cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance
  • taken all reasonable steps to help people work from home
  • taken all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance in the workplace
  • done everything practical to manage transmission risks where people cannot be 2m apart
Scottish Tourism Statement
Key points by Tourism Secretary Fergus Ewing to the Scottish Parliament include:
  • The Scottish Government has provided a package of support worth over £2.3 billion – “going above and beyond the UK Government consequentials”. 
  • Kate Forbes and Ewing have written to the Chancellor to further support the sector including a review of VAT rates.
  • UK Government must lead on a financial recovery plan for tourism in the UK with significant funding attached.
  • Encouraged tourism businesses to prepare (within appropriate safety guidelines) for re-opening on 15 July.
  • Soon publish guidance for the sector to help businesses make the necessary changes.      
  • Key role for the industry to build confidence in communities who may be hesitant to welcome back visitors.
  • A Scottish Tourism Recovery Taskforce to take forward strategic recovery plans and ensure full coordination with wider Scottish Government recovery plans. Take account of UK Government actions and international best practice.

Ireland Brings Forward Opening Date
Ireland’s re-opening date for tourism is now 29 June and Failte Ireland has produced a range of guidelines for tourism industry to ensure their safe re-opening.
  • Hotels & Guesthouses
  • Self-Catering businesses
  • Caravan & Camping businesses
  • Visitor Attractions
  • Activity Providers
  • B&Bs & Historic Houses
  • Restaurants & Cafes

Compendium of useful Covid-19 Products
One of the key questions in all of our recent sector zoom meetings has been the choice, quality, price and availability of products and materials to assist with Covid-Secure operations. We will therefore be compiling a list of Member recommended products and relevant links. We will be circulating this list on a regular basis within our Updates.
If you have any product you would like to recommend, please forward
Name of Product, Purpose and if possible contact details of supplier/link to .

Upcoming GNF Virtual Sector Group Meetings
The following Sector Group Zoom meetings have been scheduled - invitations will be sent to each group with agenda and joining instructions:
Holiday Parks & Camp Sites   - Tuesday 16 June at 11am
Hotels Pubs Inns & Restaurants -  Wednesday 17 June at 11am
Attractions - Tuesday 23 June at 11am
Bed & Breakfast - Wednesday 24 June at 11am
Self-Catering - Wednesday 24 June at 2.30pm

With best wishes,
