GNF Members Update 1 June - Issue 39

Dear Member

It's been another glorious weekend which we hope you all enjoyed. With last Thursday's launch of our Recovery Plan, we are now working on the final details of the refreshed Book Direct scheme, the Green Leaf Business scheme and a new promotional video to launch our re-opening campaign. In the meantime helpful guidance and advice continues to be published nationally.  
Furlough Extension - Details on Flexibility
The Government has issued details on the extended scheme that includes measures to improve its flexibility. The date for flexibility has been brought forward to 1 July so that it comes in before tourism and hospitality businesses reopen - which is what we have been lobbying for:
  • From 1 July, employers can bring back to work employees that have previously been furloughed for any amount of time and any shift pattern, while still being able to claim CJRS grant for their normal hours not worked.
  • From 1 July, employers will be able to agree any working arrangements with previously furloughed employees.
  • When claiming the CJRS grant for furloughed hours, employers will need to report and claim for a minimum period of a week.
  • This is a minimum period and those making claims for longer periods such as those on monthly or two weekly cycles will be able to do so.
  • Further guidance and how employers should calculate claims will be published on 12 June and we will circulate this to Members on receipt.

ONS Social Impacts of Coronavirus
The Office of National Statistics are undertaking a weekly survey of the social impacts of the Coronavirus outbreak, looking at how it is impacting people’s lives and mental wellbeing. One of the potentially positive aspects of the survey is that the third biggest concern for consumers is the impact on their travel and holiday plans – with 51% of people expressing this concern.
Test and Trace – Close Contact
One of the important points for tourism businesses is the rules and implications regarding close contact, especially customers that found to be infected. The tracing service will contact anyone that the infected person was in close contact with 48 hours before they developed symptoms and people they were in close contact with at any stage after they developed symptoms. Close contact means:
  • having face-to-face contact with someone (less than 1 metre away)
  • spending more than 15 minutes within 2 metres of someone
  • travelling in a car or other small vehicle with someone (even on a short journey) or close to them on a plane
  • people in their workplace
Anyone who has been in close contact will be required to self-isolate for 14 days. As well as the obvious “Duty of Care” requirements tourism businesses have with regard to both customers and staff.

New Forest Business Support Hours
Wednesday 3 June at 1500 Hours - Business Recovery Planning
This week's business support session is on recovery planning and covers matters to deal with now and planning for the future. This is an NFBP session for businesses from all sectors and may provide additional detail over and above that covered in Go New Forest's own Tourism Destination Recovery Plan launched last Thursday.
Forthcoming Business Support Hour Topics 1500 Hours:
Wednesday 10 June - Business Interruption Insurance
Wednesday 17 June - Recent Changes to Business Pages on Social Media

I joined VisitBritain's Destinations meeting on Friday afternoon when I reinforced the need to publish Tourism & Hospitality Business Guidance on Covid Security urgently. VB said they hope the guidance will be available in the next week or so and we will include it in the GNF Members Handbook and circulate on receipt.

With best wishes,
