By Mari Cullerton, GMF 2019 Intern

Since my time at Great Mountain Forest, I have been working on a research project in Dr. Robert Fahey’s Applied Forest Ecology Lab. This project focuses on the use of remote sensing to better understand forest disturbances following drought and defoliation by gypsy moths. It emphasizes locating areas that experience stress from Armillaria and the two-lined chestnut borer (Agrilus bilineatus). 

As a GMF forestry intern, I learned that there is only so much you can get out of a book. Reading is important, as Jody consistently reminded us, but you need to physically go out in the forest, or any ecosystem, to really understand and appreciate what is going on.

Jody really taught us a bit of everything that summer, most of which I never expected to do, while being encouraging and incredibly patient. Through this internship, I gained a better appreciation for forestry, woodworking, and mechanics, along with youth education and so much more.

Jody helped me realize my love of research, and I will forever appreciate the opportunity and remember my time at Great Mountain Forest. 

This summer, I am planning on working at the USGS Sequoia-Kings Canyon field station in California doing field research among Giant Sequoias.