Hey, Girlfriends!

GFF is celebrating two over-the-top milestones this month and we want to share our excitement and pride with you:

First, as of this month our GoGirl! Grants are being increased from $2,000 to $3,000 annually! As educational expenses continue to rise, the number one reason students drop out of school is finances, so we decided to do something about it. When students are not stressing over the ability to cover their educational expenses, they are more able to focus on their studies and their families, and have a better chance of succeeding.

Second, with the help of the Berger Foundation, we are launching our public awareness campaign, Get An Education, Change Your Life! Six months of messages, starting with New Year, New You! Our messages are being shared through radio spots, billboards and social media. We hope you'll help us get the word out that "We've Upped our Game - to Help You do the Same!"
Joan Busick
Founder & CEO 

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Cheryl's Corner
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Hi Girlfriends,

Speaking of New Year, New You...GFF is brimming with pride!  It is with great excitement that I introduce to you our ten new GoGirl! Grant recipients. They cover a broad spectrum of educational paths which will lead them to improved lives for themselves and their families. And they each have the most amazing stories to tell about why they decided to return to school and what goals and dreams they are striving for.  

They are joining twenty two other women we are continuing to support, bringing our number of active recipients to an amazing thirty two!  We cannot thank our supporters enough for helping GFF make a difference in so many lives.

Let's never forget, if you want to change the world, educate a woman. 

Join us in welcoming:
Wendy Castaneira - Nursing
Maria Corona- Teaching
Kelly Coronel-Criminal  Justice
Judith Munoz- Nursing
Dawn Nepusz-Nursing
Gracy Perez-Healthcare  Management
Jeanette Ramirez- AA Science 
Belle Segev-  Psychology
Yesenia Teran- Nursing
Wendy Zamora- Nursing

Cheryl Scarlett
Communications and Fund Development Manager
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Join Us!
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Club Cabana, Unleashed & Uncorked!

Friday, February 17, 2017
6:00 pm
Toscana Country Club
76-009 Via Club Villa, Indian Wells
$95 per person

Join us as we celebrate the men who support GFF.
Showcasing our over-the-top Uncorked Auction.

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  Benefit GFF
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You can generate donations for The Girlfriend Factor when you buy items using AmazonSmile.
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The Girlfriend Factor believes that when women have the encouragement and support of their Girlfriends they can accomplish anything they set their minds to.


We provide educational grants to adult women so that they may achieve their goals and become self-sufficient.





Check out our video




The Girlfriend Factor is a California not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.

