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Gateways Family Advocacy Network

Hi All:

This message is asking you to sign in on HB1168 on or before this Thursday, April 18th. It takes only a couple minutes and I would recommend signing in *before* the hearing starts at 1pm on the 18th. Submitting written testimony helps a lot, but is optional.

See "Submitting Testimony Online" below for instructions on how to sign in and how to submit written testimony.


HB1168 will establish a special committee to study the impact of the housing crisis on people with disabilities. This bill has passed the House and is now with the Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

The special committee formed by HB1168 will consist of four members of the NH House of Representatives and one member of the NH Senate. It will be responsible for considering the scope and severity of the housing problem for individuals with disabilities. It will also consider potential remedies for increasing the supply of affordable and suitable housing for people with disabilities.

The special committee will solicit information and testimony from state agencies, advocates, and members of the disability community. The committee will report its findings and any recommendations for proposed legislation to various government officials and the state library by November 1, 2024.

Signing in on HB1168 is your chance to tell our legislators how a special committee focused on housing for people with disabilities is important. For example, how housing for people with developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and acquired brain disorders need considerations that go beyond physical access.

Note that we have a document that describes the current choices available to people with developmental disabilities and intellectual disabilities that we have provided our legislators: Housing for Adults with ID/DD in New Hampshire. We are also in the early stages of collaborating on a document that covers the major issues and possible solutions.

Submitting Testimony Online

To register your opinion online, fill out this form - it takes less than a minute.

  • Step 1 (first page):
  • Select Thursday, April 18th
  • Select the Committee: "Health and Human Services"
  • Choose the Bill: "1:00pm - HB1168"
  • I am: "A Member of the Public"
  • I'm Representing: "Myself"
  • Indicate Your Position on this Bill
  • Review your information and click "Continue" to go to the next page
  • Step 2 (second page):
  • Fill out your personal information
  • Review your information and click "Continue"
  • Step 3 (third page):
  • Click the checkbox
  • Click "Continue"

You can also submit written testimony to the Senate Health and Human Services Committee by visiting the committee page and then clicking on the "Email Entire Committee" link on that page.

Remember that HB1168 is about whether or not to form a special committee to study the housing crisis for people with disabilities. A strong written testimony might cover why a special committee is needed rather than using an existing standing committee. For example, you might present why the disability community has unique housing requirements and how a special committee needs to engage the subject matter experts (including all of us) to develop an informed opinion.

If you wish to write testimony, please let me know if you would like help.

Thank you for your advocacy,


Contact Will Walker at

For past communications, please visit the G-FAN Past Communications Page

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