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Gateways Family Advocacy Network

Hi All:

This message is asking you to sign in on HB1168 and HB1291 on or before February 16th (Friday). It takes only a couple minutes. Submitting written testimony helps a lot, but is optional. See "Submitting Testimony Online" below for instructions.


HB1168 will establish a committee to study the impact of the housing crisis on people with disabilities.

The committee will consist of four members of the house of representatives, one member of the senate, and will be responsible for considering the scope and severity of the housing problem for individuals with disabilities. It will also consider potential remedies for increasing the supply of affordable and suitable housing for people with disabilities.

The committee will solicit information and testimony from state agencies, advocates, and members of the disability community. The committee will report its findings and any recommendations for proposed legislation to various government officials and the state library by November 1, 2024.

Signing in on HB1168 is your chance to tell our legislators how a special committee focused on housing for people with disabilities is important. For example, how housing for people with developmental disabilities and acquired brain injuries needs considerations that go beyond physical access.


HB1291 focuses on accessory dwelling units (ADUs), sometimes referred to as "in-law suites" when they are attached to the primary home.

HB1291 increases the number of accessory dwelling units allowed by right from one to two and increases the maximum square footage. It also gives municipalities the right to require accessory units meet the definition for workforce housing.

Among the many things HB1291 calls for, it also prevents a municipality from restricting the maximum size to no less than 1,000 square feet for one of the units. It used to 750 square feet. The increase to 1,000 square feet would allow for a two bedroom living space for a caregiver and an individual.

Submitting Testimony Online

To register your opinion online, fill out this form twice - it takes less than a minute for each.

  • Step 1: Fill out your personal information
  • Step 2: Select Friday, February 16th
  • Step 3: 
  • Select the Committee: "House Special Committee on Housing"
  • Choose the Bill: "9:00am - HB1168"
  • I am: "A Member of the Public"
  • I'm Representing: "Myself"
  • Indicate Your Position on this Bill
  • Step 4: Upload your testimony (optional)
  • Step 5: Review your information and click "Submit"

Repeat the above steps using "2:30pm - HB1291" in step 3.

Viewing the Hearing

You can watch the hearing live on YouTube:

If you wish to write testimony, please let me know if you would like help.

Thank you for your advocacy,


Contact Will Walker at

For past communications, please visit the G-FAN Past Communications Page

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