GCVCC Business Newsletter
News for the Coachella Valley Business Community
County of Riverside Hosting Update Call for Business Owners/Administrators
The County of Riverside Department of Public Health will be offering an update call for all Coachella Valley Business Owners, Operating Officers and Administration, on the latest COVID-19 updates and business impacting direction.
Options for Employees and Employers During School Closures
School closures have a huge impact on both employers and employees, but employers and employees have several options, including the use of vacation/paid time off (PTO), school activities leave and remote working arrangements, to help.
SBA Offers Disaster Assistance to CA Small Businesses
The U.S. Small Business Administration is offering low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to CA small businesses suffering substantial economic injury as a result of COVID-19.
Riverside County Economic Development Launches Resource
Riverside County Economic Development Department has launched a COVID-19 resource page with links to a variety of COVID-19 related questions and challenges relevant to small business.
GCVCC Joins US Chamber Calling for Aggressive Relief for Small Business
The US Chamber is calling on Congress to take aggressive action to help small business, including a temporary halt to payroll taxes and streamlining loan programs.
Additional COVID-19 Resources