September, 2022

GASSP Newsletter

Letter from the President

Dr. Chad Stone

It is hard to believe we are over halfway finished with the month of September. I hope each of you had a great start to your 2022-2023 school year. This time of year is always busy but rewarding. I know you are enjoying watching your students showcase their talents on and off the fields.   

How can GASSP help you during the 2022-2023 school year? We are here to advocate for you on important educational issues at both the state and federal level. Most districts hold a fall and a spring meeting, which is a perfect  opportunity for administrators to meet for dinner and participate in professional learning. These district meetings are great for networking, recharging your batteries, and taking the opportunity to become Better Today Than Yesterday! If you would like for your GASSP officers to attend some district meetings, please let me know. As your president, I want to model what servant leadership is, and I want to serve our districts around the state.    

Mark your calendar. GASSP holds an incredible fall conference in Savannah every year. We decided to move our conference to Monday and Tuesday to give our principals a chance to attend Friday and Saturday night school events and still get to attend our conference. This year’s conference will be held November 13-15 at the Savannah Marriott Riverfront Hotel. It will be a wonderful opportunity to come together with fellow leaders as we all learn and grow professionally. We are in the learning business, so we need to model ways to continue to learn and grow daily. Please make plans to join us in Savannah. The conference will make you and your school Better Today Than Yesterday! 

The goal of any organization is improvement, and membership is the key to success for our organization. We all need to reach out, encourage, and invite at least one middle or high school that has not sent in their institutional membership to write the check. 1000 members is our goal. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me or your district representative with any question, concern, or suggestion you may have. We are here to serve you as you lead the middle or high school in your community.

Being a member of GASSP makes us all Better Today Than Yesterday!

Letter from President Elect

Dr Elizabeth Bennett

Years ago a colleague/friend asked me if I was interested in joining GASSP.  He invited me to a meeting and encouraged me to get involved.  As a new assistant principal and a mom of two young boys, I was hesitant to add one more thing to my plate. After a few short months of being an AP, I realized I needed a network of other leaders to lean on. My involvement in GASSP led to the honor of being named GASSP Middle School Assistant Principal of the Year, a position on the executive board, and the role as current President-Elect.

It did not take me long to realize GASSP was more than just a professional organization.  Through my involvement I have gained friendships and mentors who have helped guide me through my leadership career. The GASSP family were my cheerleaders as I became a principal and served as my rocks as I navigated Covid as a first year principal. 

I am proud to be this year's President-Elect of GASSP. My heart is in public education and I am honored to serve in an organization with professionals who are true champions of students, teachers and educational leaders. 

Membership Goal is 1000!

Help us reach this goal! 

Join as an individual or sign up your entire administrative team!


Individual Membership

Institutional Membership

Upcoming Events

2022 GASSP Fall Conference:

Recruit, Retain, and Recharge Georgia Educators

Nov. 14-15

Attendee Registration

Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration

Hotel Reservation Link

NASSP Principal Leadership Networks - Join one today!

NASSP’s Leadership Networks are collaborative spaces for school leaders to share similar lived experiences, passions, and interests so we can connect with each other on a personal and professional level. All networks meet monthly for one hour. We would love to have you join us, if it’s for 10 minutes or the whole hour, connecting with your colleagues is important during these challenging times.

Led by and geared toward school leaders, the networks center all programming, engagement, and communications on the motivations, preferences, and needs of participants. The regular virtual and in-person meetings will be yours to mold and cultivate, ensuring that the Leadership Networks are a productive way to contribute your interests, skills, and knowledge. Check out the list of affinity groups and see where you would like to connect with similar principals across the nation! 

NAESP National Principal of the Year Application

Congratulations to 2021-2022


Recognized at the August State Board Meeting

Ms. LeAnne McCall - POY

Ms. Krista Pearson -APOY

We are proud to have you represent GASSP!

Applications for 2022-2023 APOY are now available through the following link:

GASSP APOY application

Breakout Schools 2022

It is time to share all the wonderful things that are happening at your school by completing an application for the Breakout School of the Year! Winners will be invited to present at the Fall Conference in Savannah!

Breakout School of the Year Application - High School

Breakout School of the Year Application - Middle School

District Highlight

District B

LeAnne McCall

Lowndes County

High School



Contact Information

Alan Long

(706) 264-5843

Wanda Law 

(404) 213-4670

Follow GASSP on Social Media!

Facebook  Twitter



GASSP Members,

Thank you for your membership and support of GASSP.We are looking forward to an amazing conference in Savannah November 14-15 and hope to see you there. It is going to be a great two days with great speakers, networking, and great social activities.

Please encourage all middle and high school principals in your network and districts to join us in GASSP. Strong membership gives us a strong voice in Atlanta when the legislative session opens in January and throughout the year. It is the best way to network and support Educational Leadership.

I hope you had a chance to see the message from our President, Chad Stone and our President Elect, Dr. Elizabeth Bennett! Rockstars for GASSP!