February 2023

GASSP Newsletter

Letter from the President

Dr. Chad Stone

It is a GREAT DAY to be a school leader.  As the President of GASSP, I want to thank you for all you do for our students in the state of Georgia.  As you read this newsletter, most of us will be enjoying a great second semester at your awesome school. During the month of LOVE please remember to tell your family and friends that you LOVE them and appreciate their efforts. Please take time to thank the people who have made a difference in your life and made you Better Today Than Yesterday. 

To be a great leader, we have to value and appreciate the people that mean the most to you!  

Thank you to all who joined us at winter GAEL.  This conference made each of us Better Today Than Yesterday!.  Mark your calendar for July 2023 to join us for an incredible conference at the beach. It will be a wonderful opportunity to come together with fellow leaders as we all learn and grow professionally. We are in the learning business, so we need to model ways to continue to learn and grow daily. 

The goal of any organization is improvement, and membership is the key to success for our organization. As I write this letter, we have over 1100 members -  GREAT JOB meeting our goal of 1000 members.  

Please do not hesitate to contact me or your district representative with any question, concern, or suggestion you may have. We are here to serve you as you lead the middle or high school in your community.

Being a member of GASSP makes us all Better Today Than Yesterday!


Dr. Chad Stone

Letter from

Associate Director

Wanda Law

It is a honor to serve as the Associate Director of GASSP. I would like to thank everyone who attended and presented at our fall conference in Savannah. I am currently planning for the one day AP Conference in Macon. I hope you will make plans to attend. This is one day of learning from outstanding assistant principals and principals from throughout the state! One of my major job responsibilities is planning conferences. Please contact me throughout the year with conference ideas whether it be themes, speakers or requests. I want our conferences to meet your professional learning needs. School leaders are always learning with others in order to create the best school environments for students.

Current Membership is 1100!

Thank you for helping us reach our goal of 1000 members! You can still

join as an individual or sign up your entire administrative team!


Individual Membership

Institutional Membership

2023 Melton Callahan/Lifetouch Scholarship

Click here to Apply!

Scholarship Requirements: 

  • Student is a current High School Senior in the state of Georgia.
  • Student plans to attend a post-secondary or military program after graduation.
  • Parent of the applicant is a current GASSP member for the past three years. 

2023 GASSP

Assistant Principal Conference

8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Cost: $125/attendee

Breakfast & Lunch Provided

Register Below!

Register Here!

GASSP Advocacy Work

Middle School State Coordinator: Dr Suzan Harris

High School State Coordinator: Bivins Miller

As the State Coordinators of the Georgia Association of Secondary School Principals, our role is to support and advocate for secondary school principals in the state of Georgia. This includes organizing and representing GASSP's interests at the state and national level. One of our key responsibilities is to organize and lead GASSP's participation in the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) conference in Washington D.C. as well as supporting the voice of educational leaders through advocacy at Georgia’s Day on the Hill. The Day on the Hill and NASSP’s Advocacy Conference provide an important opportunity for GASSP to connect with other state and national leaders in education while advocating for the needs and concerns of Georgia's secondary school principals though meetings and conversations with our legislature. Legislation that impacts educators should not be left solely to the views/opinions of lawmakers; exercise your voice and contact your state and national leaders today.”

The PAGE/GAEL Day at the Capital will be held on Tuesday, Feb 21, 2023. Click the link below to get more information and register for the event.


Congratulations to the

Principals of the Year Finalists

District Highlight

District E

Dr William Bell

Wheeler County High School



Contact Information

Alan Long

(706) 264-5843


Wanda Law 

(404) 213-4670



Follow GASSP on Social Media!

Facebook  Twitter



Hello GASSP Members!

 I hope the holidays were a great time for you and your family and a great time to recharge and reflect. Time to get away is so important in this profession and I hope it was refreshing for you. Spring semester is full of events and there never seems to be enough dates in the week!

We hope that you will send an Assistant Principal, Athletic Director, or Instructional Coaches to the Assistant Principal Conference in Macon. It is a great gift from you for them and their professional growth. Send one or more to the one day conference March 6 at a great price of $125.00. We will serve them Breakfast and Lunch and make them feel special! Sign them up today it is live on the website right now. 

Remember the Callahan/LifeTouch Scholarship will go live this week. If you have a senior and are a member of GASSP your senior can apply and win scholarship money! Deadline is April 1 for applications!

I look forward to seeing all of you at next years Fall Conference November 13 and 14 in Savannah at Riverfront Marriott! Mark the calendar now you will want to be there! Come Sunday and play golf in our first Fall Conference Golf Tournament!

Yours in Education
