August, 2022

GASSP Newsletter

Letter from the President

Dr. Chad Stone

It is an honor to serve as your President of the Georgia Association of Secondary Principals (GASSP) for the 2022-2023 school year. The outstanding leaders preceding me in this position have laid the path for the success of this great organization, and I hope to continue their impactful work. During my fourteen years as an administrator in Georgia, GASSP has supported my professional growth, better enabling me to meet the needs of the staff, students, and community for whom I serve. My goal as President of this organization is to grow our organization by aligning it to meet your needs as a school leader.

GASSP is an organization that  will provide opportunities for networking, professional learning, and legislative advocacy. At no time in the history of our organization has it been more important for us to support public education. As we each tackle the current issues we face in our schools, communities, circles of influence, it is imperative that principals connect with one another to solve problems and share ideas. GASSP is your organization to facilitate those connections. As we examine the inequities of professional learning opportunities for educational leaders across our state, GAEL and GASSP  are prepared to step into that gap to support your professional growth.  GASSP advocates on behalf of public schools with state and federal legislators, serving as your voice spoken directly to the lawmakers shaping the future of public education. 

I look forward to working alongside each of you as we embark on what will  be a challenging but rewarding school year. Know that you do not walk this journey alone. You are supported by GASSP and thousands of GAEL leaders across the state of Georgia. I look forward to seeing each of you at our GASSP Fall Conference on November 14-15 in the great city of Savannah, Georgia. As we start this school year, make sure that we work to make  each day Better Today Than Yesterday!


Dr. Chad Stone

Letter from the Past-President

Kerensa Wing

2021-2022 school year is in the books and it was a landmark year in many ways. As we returned to full in person schooling around the state educators faced many challenges from reacclimating students to the classroom and being at school all day to working with students and families with the best way to get reconnected to school success to staffing shortages that face us across the state. I know many of you have already begun your school year for 22-23 and are off to the races. My wish is that you have a successful year of learning and growing with your staff and students. As the outgoing President of GASSP, I appreciate all of you continuing to support our organization through your membership and networking. Having a support system across the state to connect with other principals in similar districts helps all of our schools to become better and gives you a way to see best practices across our great state. Our students deserve the best our schools can provide and we all have room to grow - what better way than to grow together through learning and connecting at our conferences. I am excited to hand the reins of GASSP over to Dr. Chad Stone who takes every opportunity to be BTTY (Better Today Than Yesterday) and I know he will take GASSP to new heights. Most of all take a moment each day in the midst of whatever emergency has landed on your desk or in the midst of whatever social media storm you may be dealing with to reflect and breathe. Know that you are right where you should be - leading a school and you are there because you love working with young people to become their best self. You are strong, you are fearless and you are wise - have an awesome school year!

Go Gett’em Georgia Secondary Schools!

It's Membership Drive Month!

Ask your colleagues if they have joined and if they haven't  - send them the link!

Help us reach our goal of 1000 Members!


Individual Membership

Institutional Membership

Upcoming Events

2022 GASSP Fall Conference:

Recruit, Retain, and Recharge Georgia Educators 

Nov. 14-15

Attendee Registration

Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration

Hotel Reservation Link

NASSP Principal Leadership Networks - Join one today!

NASSP’s Leadership Networks are collaborative spaces for school leaders to share similar lived experiences, passions, and interests so we can connect with each other on a personal and professional level. All networks meet monthly for one hour. We would love to have you join us, if it’s for 10 minutes or the whole hour, connecting with your colleagues is important during these challenging times.

Led by and geared toward school leaders, the networks center all programming, engagement, and communications on the motivations, preferences, and needs of participants. The regular virtual and in-person meetings will be yours to mold and cultivate, ensuring that the Leadership Networks are a productive way to contribute your interests, skills, and knowledge. Check out the list of affinity groups and see where you would like to connect with similar principals across the nation! 

Josie Allen, Walnut Grove High School

Sam Carter, Oconee County High School

Lucy Coleman, Pierce County High School 

Payton Coursey, Islands High School 

Mary Beth Lowe, Forsyth Central High School 

Brent Miller, Bainbridge High School 

Sydney Sharrock, Creekview High School

Emilee Walker, Eastside High School 

Matthew Walker, Eastside High School 

Kyia Wing, Lambert High School 

District Highlight

District A

Shane Purdy

Seminole County Schools



Contact Information

Alan Long

(706) 264-5843

Wanda Law 

(404) 213-4670


Georgia’s Finest!

I hope your school year has started off well and your leadership will set the tone for the school and community! I am excited about this year with GASSP and the leadership of our President Dr. Chad Stone , the Executive Committee, and our Board of Directors. I challenge and encourage you to reach out to all Georgia secondary administrators who are not members of GASSP and encourage them to join their school. We are the “ one voice” for secondary schools and our strength at the Capitol is directly tied to strong membership! Join today and reach out to someone else in Georgia.

Whats New?

The Assistant Principal of the Year application will go live in September. Nominate those great AP’s for this honor.

Fall Conference in Savannah- Check the website and join us November 14-15 for a great event. Build your Network!

Please check the newsletter for all of our sponsors and when possible use their services!

We are honored to serve our secondary school membership and look forward to a great school year with our Educational Leaders!

Yours in Education!

Dr. Alan Long