Global Adaptation Network


APRIL - MAY 2024

Global Network News


A Decade of Ecosystem-based Adaptation: UNEP's Lessons Learned - Over the past decade, UNEP has embraced the practice of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) as a cost-effective and holistic adaptation approach, now supporting more than 50 EbA initiatives across the world. These projects have improved livelihoods, reduced climate risks, and increased the health of a range of ecosystems. A new policy brief summarizes the key lessons from UNEP’s experiences across multiple countries and ecosystems.

Seven ways to restore land, halt desertification and combat drought – In the run up to World Environment Day on 5 June, UNEP looked at seven ways to get involved in ecosystem restoration, from making agriculture sustainable to restoring freshwater ecosystems. The seven approaches were outlined in a new practical guide published by the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, titled We Are #Generation Restoration.

The story of Ecosystem-based Adaptation through 5 case studies – In May, UNEP published a series of case studies on the topic of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) to encapsulate the innovative approaches and lessons learned from its portfolio of climate adaptation projects. The case studies provide valuable insights and practical examples of how EbA can be effectively implemented across different contexts. The projects covered by the case studies were all funded by the Global Environment Facility.

Adaptation Fund Board approves $80 million in new projects – The 42nd meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board concluded in April in Bonn, Germany, with the Board approving around US$ 82 million to support vulnerable countries across 12 new concrete adaptation projects while also breaking ground in making the Adaptation Fund the first multilateral climate fund to set new dedicated funding windows to foster Locally Led Adaptation. The Board has established a resource mobilization target for 2024 of US$ 300 million. 

Saving trees, bees and women’s time - In Rwanda’s Nyanza and Kamonyi districts, the planting of more than one million trees and the distribution of almost 18,000 eco-friendly stoves is helping local communities adapt to climate change. As part of a large-scale effort to prevent deforestation in the country, eco-friendly stoves have been provided to 17,900 households, of which almost 40 percent are headed by women. Read the full story here.

360-degree crisis, 360-degree response - A new story from UNDP features three Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in fragile and conflict-affected contexts, and shares how they are adapting to the climate crisis around them. SIDS deal with economic constraints, high debt burdens and the high costs of disasters, which further challenges climate policy and planning in these climate change ‘hot spots’.

World Environment Day spotlights land restoration, desertification and drought resilience – Hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the world celebrated the second time in more than 50 years that World Environment Day has been hosted in the West Asia region. This year the event aimed to support accelerated progress on global commitments, which include protecting 30 per cent of land and sea for nature, and restoring 30 percent of the planet’s degraded ecosystems.

Restore Season II: Films from the frontiers of hope - A new season of the Restore video series takes viewers across the world to seven places where people succeed in bringing back nature. From snowy mountain tops to river basins, from icy glaciers to burning forests – follow these #GenerationRestoration stories now. Learn more the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, which aims to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems on every continent and in every ocean.

News from the Regions

Burundi’s fishers and farmers adapt to climate crisis – In the years to come, Burundi, like much of Africa, will face the monumental challenge of adapting to climate change. Countries will need solutions, like developing drought-resilient agriculture, building seawalls to protect coastal cities, improving water security to withstand droughts, and much more. A UNEP story takes a look at a particularly promising initiative taking place in the Lake Victoria region, with funding from the Adaptation Fund.

Building local climate resilience through mangrove restoration in Western Liberia – The EPIC Model is a pioneering scheme that pairs up passionate students with real-world challenges in their communities. Students obtain valuable experience, while cities can solve their sustainability challenges cost-effectively. A recent story looks at how the model has taken shape in Liberia through the restoration of critical mangrove ecosystems. Learn more about the EPIC Network here.

Empowering Communities through EPIC-Africa Partnership in Uganda – In Uganda’s Mbale City, under the pioneering EPIC Model, students became involved in various activities to fill the gaps caused by a shortage of professional city planners. By conducting land surveys and citizen outreach efforts, the student-led activities not only helped save costs for the entire city, but provided students with practical experience and an engaging opportunity to positively impact their communities.

News from the Regions

Innovative climate-resilient housing saves lives in Bangladesh – UNEP's NDC Action Project and a Bangladeshi initiative known as BRAC have joined forces on a project to showcase a new way to build climate-resilient housing in Mongla, Bangladesh. As the devastating Cyclone Remal hit the country last week, the results of this work were clear, when around 183 families took shelter in the climate-resilient buildings, including a mother with her newborn baby.

Bringing back Sri Lanka’s mangroves with science and community spirit – The UN recently named Sri Lanka’s mangrove regeneration programme among its 2024 World Restoration Flagships, an award that recognizes outstanding efforts to rekindle nature. “The country’s relentless work on perfecting the planting of mangroves shows how restoration must be a long-term investment.” said Inger Andersen, Executive Director of UNEP

Resilience for All: Enabling Transformative Implementation – A new publication from the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) encapsulates the summary and key messages of the recent APAN Forum. Coming out from the forum outcomes, this publication offers recommendations on developing strategies and approaches to achieve transformative adaptation in the region. APAN serves as a major knowledge platform for adaptation in Asia Pacific.

APAN Adaptation Digest: JuneAs one of the main adaptation knowledge dissemination hubs in the Asia and Pacific region, APAN launched the APAN Adaptation Digest as a platform for sharing adaptation knowledge relevant to various adaptation actors in the region. The Digest promotes adaptation knowledge products, including videos, factsheets, briefs, infographics, publications, knowledge platforms, online courses and portals.

News from the Regions

As rains falter, Jamaica’s urban farmers race to adapt – The Abilities Foundation is one of six schools and community centres in Kingston to receive rainwater harvesting tanks courtesy of CityAdapt, an effort led by UNEP to help Caribbean communities contend with climate change. Funded by the Global Environment Facility, the initiative has benefitted more than 130,000 people in Jamaica, El Salvador and Mexico since its launch in 2018.

The key role of the private sector for adaptation - The private sector plays a crucial role in climate adaptation in cities thanks to its capacity for technological innovation, experiences in efficient resource management, potential for public-private collaboration, and its management of sustainable investments. A new online platform shares resources to facilitate the involvement of businesses in adaptation processes. Don’t miss the capsule videos! 

Publication: Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Urban Areas (Spanish) - This compendium offers guidance for territorial planning and municipal management to tackle climate change by drawing on ecosystem services. It presents twenty factsheets of ecosystem-based adaptation measures, including their characteristics, benefits, spaces where they can be implemented, and implementing and maintenance budgets. 

Upcoming Events

12-13 June

Climate Tech Summit 2024

13 June

Webinar: Integrating Climate Change into Planning and Budgeting for Agriculture and Land Use

16-21 June

3rd World Biodiversity Forum

18-21 June

ICLEI World Congress

19-21 June

Asia Climate Forum

26-28 June

11th European Urban Resilience Forum

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