Last week we signalled the cheapness in the back end of the GBPUSD curve and how both our percentile rank and IV-AV spreads were generating long vol signals. The problem in our view is that a one-year strangle in GBP will be struck above the recent price range on the topside, and our delta hedging rule of thumb is not to hedge ahead of the strikes. Given that, a more conservative approach may well be to pay up for straddles and look to hedge the topside more aggressively. Our valuation models are neutral on direction but given the break in the LT momentum indicators and our spot vol correlation models, we remain of the view that the upside is limited. It is important to note that 12-month GBP vols have traded lower than 7% prior to Brexit, looking at all of our databases, but the probability of our revisiting those pre-Brexit lows now looks unlikely. This conclusion is also consistent with our most recent trade reports. Short-dated options have been undervalued according to our models in relation to the future distribution of prices, while longer-dated options as a rule, generally have not. The implication is that more active delta hedging is required in order to extract value from long vol position further out the curve.