Dear Friends & Donors,

2023 will be another banner year! Already with three successful events and new graduates, we can say THANK YOU to all of you for making this CdK program a success! We are changing lives and impacting families and communities as we had hoped. Recent graduates like Eraclio, now working in mechanical engineer, and Maatsa, now doing her residency in physical rehab therapy, show us each day how satisfying this work is...and YOU make this possible. 

Landmark News: To further accomplish our long range goals in Oaxaca, we are currently in the application process to be a Mexican non-profit/A.C (Asociación Civil). Also, to substantiate our work here, both myself, Drew Vogt as President, and Pamela Vazquez as Program Coordinator, are becoming Mexican citizens (to hold dual citizenship). This strengthens local awareness that we are here for the long haul! We also have some surprises developing this year and next!

From Manhattan, to Sarasota, to Palm Springs, and to Oaxaca, to Portland and beyond,
you our contacts are changing the world for the good!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

In gratitude,

Drew L. Vogt