Fully Engaged
Updates and Tips on the New Website
(320) 258-7611 www.getfullyengaged.com
Thank you for your patience
Frequently Asked Questions
Logging in:

Remember to click on Parish Login.

Admin Login is for Fully Engaged Staff only

Note: If you are using a MAC and having trouble logging in, try using a browser other than Safari, such as Chrome.
Adding a couple:
If you add a couple and need to correct the information you put in, please DO NOT DELETE THE COUPLE and begin again. After you have the couple entered, you can always go back and update the Couple Profile or edit the Bride or Groom user information.

If you delete a couple, since the couple's email addresses are already stored in our data base, they are blocked from being used again.

If you do need to delete a couple, please email or call Jill or Chris with your parish name, city, state and Couple ID.
Results won't Print?
Entered all the information and still not able to print? Here are a few things to check:
Step 1: Check Couple Profile
  • Check the Couple Profile by clicking on the purple Couple Profile button to make sure all blanks are filled in.

Note: The Name and Address fields are only required if Fully Engaged is mailing out the Couple's Workbooks.
Step 2: Check Users Information

  • Check the Bride and Groom User by clicking on Edit. Make sure each box has been completed. A frequent omission is Age.
Step 3: Check Answers to inventory
  • Check the results and make sure all answers are filled in. If you find a blank one, put in Unsure.
If all else fails - email or call Jill or Chris
Couple's Results - How to Download
To download a couple's printout, here are three easy steps:

Step 1: From your parish Dashboard, Click on the Couple ID of couple you wish to print (Screen shot #1)

Step 2: On the screen of Couple, click on Fully Engaged (Premarital) or (Convalidation)(Screen shot #2)

Step 3: On screen with couple’s responses, click on English PDF or Spanish PDF. Download results or printout. (Screen shot #3)
Comparison Graph
Currently, the Results Printout does not include the Comparisons Graph we had in the old system. While we understand the helpful tool this graph can be, we decided to go ahead and launch the new site without it. The complexity of programing the graph would have significantly delayed the new system launch. The graph will be added soon.
February Billing
Because we are maintaining two separate sites through this transition, you may receive 2 separate invoices for the February bill, one from each site you had couples or materials ordered from.

To submit you payment, you may combine the amounts and issue one check if you like. If you are paying via credit card, unfortunately, you will have to make 2 separate payments.

Once you receive your monthly statement, If you have any questions, please notify us. It is important to us to make sure the billing is accurate.

If you have a question, please email us, please include your name, parish, city, state and your question. We will respond as soon as possible.
Paying Via Credit Card
You may pay your invoice(s) via credit card from your dashboard. Click on the blue Pay button and the credit card companies screen will direct you to complete the transaction.

After your payment is successful, the Green Bar above the Open Invoices will indicate your payment and balance after the payment is made.
Welcome Letter to Engaged Couples was revised
To assist the couples taking the Fully Engaged Inventory, we have added some additional instruction to the Welcome Letter they receive. Key items are:
  • The need to have access to their email so they can set their Password when they take the inventory.
  • To complete the Couple Profile, User Information and then their inventory, answering each question and statement.
To read the full Welcome Letter, click here.
To Visit Old Site
If you need to retrieve results for a couple entered into the old site or review previous invoices, you still have access to our old site.

To visit our old site, instead of logging into your parish using your email and password, click on Visit Old Site.

You will be redirected to our old site and you may log in as before, using your old user name and password.
Engaged Couples who are entered into the old system
Engaged Couple login

If you have an engaged couple in the old system who has not yet taken the inventory, the welcome email they received with the link has been revised.

The use the URL string sent them and add the word "old" to the beginning of it.

For example, the URL string for our demo parish in the old system is: https://scoring.getfullyengaged.com/scoring/parish/testparish
It is now: https://oldscoring.getfullyengaged.com/scoring/parish/testparish

The Couple ID remains the same.
Training Opportunities

Fully Engaged Pre-Marital & Convalidation Inventories are offering New Facilitator Webinar Trainings via Zoom. The next opportunities are: 

  • English: Saturday, March 19, 2022 - 10 am to 4pm EST.
  • Spanish: Saturday, April 2, 2022 - 10 am to 4 pm EST.
The cost for the webinar is $25 per couple which includes the couple taking the pre-marital inventory and receiving the results. Each couple will need a Pre-Marital Preview Package which is $45 plus shipping and handling. To register, click here , call Jill at (320) 258-7611 or email her at jill.svihel@gw.stcdio.org. Please register at least 10 days prior to the class.

For a full list of training dates for 2022 in both English and Spanish, click here.
Any questions or concerns, please call us at
(320) 258-7611 or email us at fe@gw.stcdio.org
Chris Codden – Director, Fully Engaged
                                                          Jill Svihel – Coordinator, Fully Engaged

Dawn Gohmann—Clerical Support, Fully Engaged
(320) 258-7617