It's a Fulbright Friday!

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"Fulbright U.S. Student Program Overview"

4-5 PM ET

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"Your Future with Fulbright: Bridging Military Service to Global Opportunities"

4-5 PM ET

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"Your Future with Fulbright: Empowering Black Scholars for Global Opportunities"

5-6 PM ET

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"Fulbright Alumni Voices: Creative Journeys with the Arts Award"

5-6 PM ET

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"Application Tips: Study/Research - Finding a Letter of Affiliation"

2-3 PM ET

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Georgetown Fulbrighter Spotlight

Kelly Anderson (SFS'23)

Debate Coach/Trainer Award - Taiwan

Kelly Anderson teaches in a classroom setting with window in background

From Kelly Anderson (SFS'23) - "I am currently a Fulbright Debate Coach in Taiwan. I teach daily public speaking and debate classes to 150 high school students in five different schools across the country. I work with students to strengthen their spoken English skills, improve critical thinking, and prepare for competitive debate tournaments." 

Application Suggestion:

"The best applications tell great stories. Develop your personal narrative to focus on why your story makes you a good fit for your award, and the rest will come naturally."

Advising Corner


During recent advising sessions, a few common questions have come up. We thought it would be helpful to answer those for everyone here in Fulbright Friday!

Does the Center for Research & Fellowships work with Georgetown alumni on Fulbright applications?

Yes! In addition to current students, the CRF enjoys working annually with Georgetown graduates who are applying for ETA, research, and study awards. If alumni plan to apply through Georgetown's internal process (due date September 1, 2024 at 12 PM NOON ET), they should list Georgetown University as their organizational affiliation in Fulbright's online application portal.

Does the CRF review essay drafts?

Yes! During the weeks of summer, we love to review drafts of statements of grant purpose, personal statements, and short-answer question responses. Drafts should be shared with the Fulbright advisor contact as a Google document with editing permission granted for the purpose of comments. A good habit is to start early formatting the essays correctly. See personal statement and statement of grant purpose sections of the study/research (academic), study/research (creative and performing arts), and English teaching assistant webpages. Applicants should also share drafts for feedback with professors and other trusted advisors.

Can I view my Fulbright affiliation letter/s?

Yes! Unlike confidential recommendation letters for study/research grants, which writers upload directly into the Fulbright application portal, applicants can view affiliation letters they receive and will upload these letters themselves in the application portal. Read more about affiliation letters in last week's Fulbright Friday.

How do I get started?

When writing the components of a Fulbright application, it is incredibly important to express, with examples, your enthusiasm for the host country and the activity you are proposing. This is the opportunity for applicants to introduce themselves, on paper, to Fulbright application reviewers who don't know them! So picking the right award in the right country forms the foundation of a strong application.

Once that key decision is made, two types of activity follow: 1) the things applicants need other individuals to complete (e.g., affiliation letters, recommendations, and foreign language evaluations) and 2) the things applicants need to complete (e.g., statements and short answers.) All of this activity should converge by the internal deadline: September 1, 2024, at 12 PM NOON ET. Read other "getting started" tips in a recent Fulbright Friday.

Can I reapply if my application was previously not selected?

Yes! Individuals can apply for the same award type in the same country or pick a completely different path. If the former, it is a good idea for applicants to spend time reviewing closely previous materials. How might their academic and career experiences since the last application cycle inform updates? Are there aspects of the statements that could be strengthened with more specificity? Are there different or additional affiliations? Applicants should also reconnect with recommenders to provide updates to inform new letters (study/research) and forms (ETA). If required, a new foreign language evaluation should be completed to reflect current proficiency level.

Award Spotlight

Fulbright/John Wood LAMDA Award In Classical Acting - United Kingdom

Screenshot of the Fulbright/John Wood LAMDA Award In Classical Acting webpage

"The Fulbright John Wood LAMDA Award covers the one-year MA Classical Acting for the Professional Theatre offered by the institution. . . . 

A world-class drama school and educational charity, LAMDA delivers exceptional vocational training in the performing arts. Founded in 1861 as the London Academy of Music, it was the first such institution to offer acting tuition – defining LAMDA’s ongoing role as a pioneer in its field.

Challenging and intense, the MA in Classical Acting is for international actors who wish to develop their craft through an in-depth exploration of the classics. For those eligible to work in the USA, it culminates in industry showcases in Los Angeles and New York."

More Information

Visit the webpage for the Fulbright/John Wood LAMDA Award in Classical Acting for more information.


Fulbright Friday Archive

If you recently signed up for the Fulbright Friday email list, you can catch up on past editions from this application cycle:

  • May 24, 2024 – Advising Corner: Affiliation Letters
  • May 17, 2024 – Advising Corner: Study/Research Recommendations
  • May 10, 2024 – Advising Corner: ETA Recommendations; Also: Undersubscribed Awards
  • May 3, 2024 – Advising Corner: Personal Statements
  • April 26, 2024 – Advising Corner: Statements of Grant Purpose; Also: New Awards
  • April 19, 2024 – Advising Corner: Getting Started
The Prospect Street entrance of the brick Car Barn building with a green tree in foreground and blue sky in background

Car Barn - Stop By!

Be sure to schedule an appointment with an advisor to discuss your application well before the September 1 internal deadline.

The Center for Research & Fellowships is now at its new address: 310 Car Barn (3520 Prospect Street NW). Example Fulbright essays are available. Stop by 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday to Friday!

St. Mary's Hall with green grass in foreground and blue sky in background

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