It's a Fulbright Friday!

Visit Our Fulbright Website

Planning Ahead

A July 2024 calendar

Fulbright advising and essay review will resume on August 5.

NOTE: Reach out now to your recommenders and, if required, language evaluators and affiliation contacts. Register your confirmed recommenders and evaluators in the Fulbright application portal! All materials are due September 1, 2024, at 12 PM NOON ET. 

IMPORTANT: If you are applying through Georgetown's institutional process, you are required to fill out the 2024-2025 Fulbright Waiver and Agreement Form. Take a minute to do so today!

Host Country Connection

A drawing of the globe on an axis

A consistent discussion in advising sessions has involved the importance of demonstrating sincere enthusiasm for the proposed host country – as it relates both to the specific focus of the Fulbright project (research, study, or teaching) and to engaging with opportunities in the country during the grant year.

We cannot emphasize enough how important this is!

  • What excites you about conducting this research project in this particular place and why is your topic relevant to the country?
  • Why is this degree program in the host country the best place for you to explore your academic passion?
  • What is compelling to you about teaching English in the country?
  • In what specific ways will you make the most of the Fulbright grant experience in terms of your plans for host country engagement?

This is your opportunity to introduce yourself and your goals to application reviewers who have not met you. Your enthusiasm for the Fulbright grant and living in the host country should be palpable!

Additional Resources

Remember to visit . . .

Fulbright-Sponsored Webinars



"Fulbright U.S. Student Program Overview: World Regions"

4-5 PM ET

Register Here



"Fulbright Alumni Voices: How to Pursue Graduate School Abroad"

5-6 PM ET

Register Here



"Fulbright Grants in Bulgaria, Poland, and Romania"

12 PM ET

Register Here



"Application Tips: A Comprehensive Applicant Checklist"

2-3 PM ET

Register Here

Visit Fulbright's Recorded Webinars

Georgetown Fulbrighter Spotlight

Alyssa Erin Kardos Loera (NHS'21)

English Teaching Assistant - Cambodia

Alyssa Kardos in a portrait-style photograph with buildings behind her

After Georgetown, Alyssa Erin Kardos Loera (NHS’21) served as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Cambodia. She later received the IIE Centennial Fellowship and continued her work in Cambodia as CEO of ReMade. "Working with local young designers, the enterprise collects and then transforms textile river waste into sustainable wearable products," a recent story highlights. Read more by clicking here.

Advising Corner


If you previously applied for a grant through the Fulbright U.S. Student Program or read archived materials about applying, you may remember that applicants, who wanted to take part in Georgetown’s campus committee review and mentorship process, submitted their draft application in the Fulbright portal by the September 1 due date.

Please DO NOT do this going forward. Beginning with the 2024-2025 application cycle (that is, this current one), the Fulbright program has implemented a new application feature for the campus review process – LOCK and UNLOCK. This is pictured below in the application section, “Ready for Campus Review.”

By Georgetown’s institutional deadline – September 1 at 12 PM (NOON, not midnight) ET – be sure to LOCK (NOT SUBMIT) your draft application to participate in the campus committee review and mentorship process.

The only time you should SUBMIT your application is when it is completely final, post campus committee review process, and by the October 8, 2024 at 5 PM ET national deadline.

This change is very important. Unlike past application cycles, no one can unsubmit a submitted application for you.

A screenshot of the campus review page from the Fulbright application portal

Award Spotlight

Study/Research - United Arab Emirates

Screenshot of the webpage for the open study/research Fulbright grant in the United Arab Emirates

"Applicants who are graduating seniors, recent graduates, and master’s degree candidates/ graduates are eligible will be considered. Ideal applicants should have strong intercultural and leadership skills.

Applicants must have a well-defined research project and must have demonstrated ability to work independently, have a solid foundation in their subject areas, have demonstrated high levels of adaptability and maturity, and the ability to serve as a cultural ambassador.

Applicants must be able to submit a distinctive research project that is relevant to the UAE and can be reasonably accomplished in a maximum of 10 months. Projects that help enhance the existing bilateral relations between USA and UAE are also preferred. Applicants possessing appropriate language abilities will find their research more effectively accomplished. However, the UAE is a diverse place and English is widely spoken and used. . . .

Clearance from the UAE government is required for all Fulbright U.S. Student grants and must be obtained by the host institution before award issuance. Final awards for 2025-2026 are contingent upon medical clearance, clearance by the UAE Government, and the availability of funds. . . .

Specialized Grant Types


Science/Public Health




More Information

Visit the webpage for the open study/research award in the United Arab Emirates for more information.

Fulbright Friday Archive

If you recently signed up for the Fulbright Friday email list, you can catch up on past editions from this application cycle:

  • July 19, 2024 – Advising Corner: Mentorship
  • July 12, 2024 – Advising Corner: Transcripts; Also: Fulbright John Lewis Civil Rights Fellowship
  • July 5, 2024 – Advising Corner: Research Statements
  • June 28, 2024 – Advising Corner: Short Answer Questions
  • June 21, 2024 – Advising Corner: Creative and Performing Arts
  • June 14, 2024 – Advising Corner: Grantee Directory and Alumni Ambassadors
  • June 7, 2024 – Advising Corner: Foreign Language Evaluations
  • May 31, 2024 – Advising Corner: Common Questions
  • May 24, 2024 – Advising Corner: Affiliation Letters
  • May 17, 2024 – Advising Corner: Study/Research Recommendations
  • May 10, 2024 – Advising Corner: ETA Recommendations; Also: Undersubscribed Awards
  • May 3, 2024 – Advising Corner: Personal Statements
  • April 26, 2024 – Advising Corner: Statements of Grant Purpose; Also: New Awards
  • April 19, 2024 – Advising Corner: Getting Started
The Prospect Street entrance of the brick Car Barn building with a green tree in foreground and blue sky in background

Car Barn - Stop By!

Be sure to schedule an appointment with an advisor to discuss your application well before the September 1 internal deadline.

Visit the Center for Research & Fellowships: 310 Car Barn (3520 Prospect Street NW). Example Fulbright essays are available. Stop by 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday to Friday!

When you enter the center, the essays are in binders right near the door. You can review them in our conference space. (Please do not take photos of the essays or reproduce them in any way. Instead, you can take personal notes on their content and structure.)

An outdoor clock on Georgetown's campus with a tree and building behind it

It's a Fulbright Friday!

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Advising Appointment

Start Your Application

Fulbright Canvas Course

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