Dear Good Shepherd Family,
I know that you join me in wishing Channing, Mary, and Olivia well in this next chapter of their lives, and look forward to celebrating Channing’s ministry as we come closer to the time to say farewell. Change can be difficult and comes with a mix of emotions, but change is an integral and expected part of parish life. Each leader that comes and goes adds to the fabric of our community and will always be interwoven into the story of Good Shepherd, and for that we are grateful. We will be sad to see Channing and family leave, but we honor Channing’s call by God to new ministry. We have been greatly enriched by his time with us, and we are hopeful for Channing in his new position and hopeful for the future of Good Shepherd. Channing’s unwavering faith in a God that loves us through all of life has been a true inspiration.
Good Shepherd has been blessed by Channing’s leadership. He led us through the shifting landscape of the pandemic with great faith, steadiness, and concern for the immediate and future welfare of the parish. As we began to gather again, Channing encouraged us to reconnect and renew our commitment to our parish community. Through the implementation of the Ministry Group structure, Channing has invited us all to be ministers of the Church and take our place in the life, worship, and governance of the Church. Vibrant, new ministries such as the Farmer’s Market and the Hill outreach to local schools have begun as Channing has called us to be faithful to our mission of always reaching beyond ourselves as we seek to be in joyful union with God and one another, being fully known and fully loved.
In his time here, Channing has set us on a firm foundation that will support our parish for years to come. We are a growing, resilient, financially healthy parish. Our greatest strength lies in the unbreakable relationships of love and care that we have for each other. We have an extremely talented and devoted staff which has grown during Channing’s tenure. The vestry will work closely with our staff to ensure continuity and a smooth transition. I and John Pitts, who will be the incoming Senior Warden, have been in contact with the Diocesan Transition Ministry staff and will look forward to sharing with you next steps at the beginning of the new year. Be assured that Good Shepherd will continue to grow and thrive as a powerful witness of the Body of Christ in the world.
During the holiday season, we will focus on giving thanks for Channing’s ministry and celebrating the time we have spent with Channing, Mary, and Olivia; their last Sunday with us will be Christmas Eve, and we will host a reception in their honor prior to that time. Their presence in our midst has been a true gift. Please hold Channing and family and our Good Shepherd Community in your prayers during this time of transition. Your vestry is here to support you during this time so please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
In gratitude and faith,
Sarah Sarahan
Senior Warden