From MDPH Vaccine Management Unit
New Smaller Dose Ordering Limits
for COVID-19 Vaccine
Effective July 26, 2021, providers will now be able to order COVID-19 vaccines in smaller increments. Providers should continue to place their orders in the Massachusetts Immunization Information System (MIIS) as usual. Be aware that the Vaccine Unit will work with another site to transfer the doses instead of having that order fulfilled from the manufacturer/distributor. Only order doses that you will use within 30 days. Please note the new minimum order quantities:

  • Moderna – 50 doses (5 vials)
  • Pfizer – 60 doses (10 vials)
  • Janssen – 25 doses (5 vials)

Requirements for Providers Ordering COVID-19 Vaccine 

As a reminder, DPH is no longer limiting which sites can order COVID-19 vaccines. Any provider who would like to order COVID-19 vaccines must be registered with the MIIS and have a completed Massachusetts COVID-19 Vaccine Program (MCVP) agreement. If you are not MCVP enrolled contact the Vaccine Unit at 617-983-6828 or All providers receiving COVID-19 vaccine will order vaccine directly from the MIIS and comply with MCVP guidelines and the following requirements:

If you have any questions, please contact the Vaccine Management Unit (617-983-6828;
Click here to visit the MCAAP website!