Dear Millie,

36 years ago I was in a near-death bicycle accident. Guess it took that unexpected event to wake up my hard-headed fast-moving self.

Many of you know the story – how the months of healing in my backyard hammock helped me remember wisdom from teachers in South America and Spain, how the enforced slow-down helped me develop my little Sanity Strategies. In the hammock, I tested the strategies on myself. I was amazed that in only 60 seconds I could switch from chaos to calm. I called these simple strategies my Oasis in the Overwhelm.

I now know that my accident was what my long-gone mother would have called a blessing in disguise. Since that time, Oasis has gone from helping me and my over-worked colleagues get out of the “rat race” and has helped us shift to take better care of ourselves as we help others. My colleagues encouraged me to share these simple/powerful tools with others, and so I:

  • Offered workshops, trainings and retreats in clinical, educational and corporate settings throughout the United States
  • Personally brought Oasis to Latin America, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Spain
  • Trained 100+ individuals to become Authorized Oasis Trainers
  • Wrote ten books, produced CDs and videos – in English and en español – that helped thousands of individuals throughout the world
  • Was a Clinical Instructor for 25 years at Yale University School of Medicine where I supervised social workers and shared Oasis with psych interns, staff and patients
  • Collaborated with groups as varied as HeadStart teachers and parents, Black Law Enforcement Officers, CEOand VPs at Foxwoods Resort & Casino, women and youth in correctional facilities, clergy / coaches / therapists / university deans, and US Military at Fort Sam Houston in Texas
  • Gave away boatloads of stones so that people know how to do Thich Nhat Hanh’s simple 1 Stone Meditation. 

My recent bouts with cancer (thankfully I am cancer-free now and have my hair back!), my desire to spend more time with family, gardening, and efforts for peace in my neighborhood and the world – all these, plus my age, the need for more down time in my hammock and the desire for Oasis to reach the world in fresh ways – give me the clear message that it’s time to pass on Oasis to the next generation.

I am delighted that Suzanne Dudley-Schon, a 2012 graduate of the Oasis Training Program, is taking over Oasis leadership. Suzanne – an extremely talented coach, actress and writer – contributed a significant chapter to the is oasis for YOU? book and in the past ten years has brought Oasis to many varied groups. Most important, her commitment to the value of Oasis has only grown over the years and she is even more inspired to bring Oasis to our ever more complex world. In the next e-note, you will have the opportunity to meet Suzanne more fully. After that, Suzanne will take over the writing of these e-notes along with all of the other community outreach.

I have known many of you for years – some I just met last month! To each of you I give huge thanks for your trust in me and in Oasis. Know that I will continue to support the Oasis Community and will offer workshops and retreats when invited. It is with great delight that I invite you to stay tuned as Oasis goes into the world with fresh ideas.

Oasis Sanity Tip

Find a restful place to sit down and breathe. Take a few minutes to play with these questions:

  1. What do you remember about your first “meeting” with Millie or Oasis? (The meeting may have been in person, virtual, or via O book or video.)
  2. What is one way the “meeting” has made a difference in your life?
  3. What is one suggestion you have for Oasis as it moves forward? 
  4. Since I don’t usually ask such “personal” questions, I invite you – if you feel inclined – to send your responses to me and I will share with Suzanne. 

Warm thanks!

Millie Grenough discovered her own oasis after a near-death accident shook her out of her fast and furious lifestyle. During her months of recuperation Millie developed the 60-second Oasis Strategies that have helped thousands of people around the world. The Oasis Training Program has graduates throughout the USA and in Panama, Puerto Rico and New Zealand.

Oasis trainings, retreats, presentations, and coaching sessions have helped individuals ranging from Casino VPs, US Army Officers and University Deans, to overworked health personnel, therapists and educators, prison inmates, artists and clergy, harried parents, coaches and line managers. 



©2024 Millie Grenough. All Rights Reserved. Oasis in the Overwhelm™ is a

registered trademark.

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