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May 16, 2024

Weekly Update

A Message from Board President Haley Maglieri

2023 Haley

BFA Board of Director Meeting Summary - May, 2024

On behalf of the Board, I want to share what an honor it has been to serve this amazing community this school year. It is our privilege to work alongside Principal Simpson for the dedicated staff and wonderful students and families who make BFA such a special place.

We are proud of our service to BFA this year, but understand that there is always room for improvement and growth. With that focus, the Board has reviewed all survey data from parents, students and staff. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions and intend to take them into deep consideration as we prepare our Strategic Plan for 2024-25. That plan will be finalized in July and we look forward to sharing more information with you in August.

May marked our final Board meeting for the 2023-24 school year. The following summarizes action taken during our May Board meeting.

Thank you to our student tech support this year: JD Kim (5th grade)!

BOD Updates:

Outgoing Board Member Recognition

For three years (2021-2024), Mette Castor dedicated countless hours to serve BFA as a member of the Board of Directors. During Tuesday’s meeting, we took time to recognize her contributions and efforts. Mette has served as the Secretary for the entirety of her tenure, working diligently to update policies, post agendas and draft meeting minutes. She was an advocate and remained focused on school safety and enhancements - something we will all benefit from well into the future. Thank you for your commitment to BFA, Mette! 

Board Officer Elections

The Board voted for the President and Treasurer positions for the 2024-25 school year. The following officers were elected by the Board and will serve a one-year term:

  • President: Haley Maglieri
  • Treasurer: Sarah Nisbet

Student Survey

The SAC has prepared this year’s Student Survey which the Board reviewed. Our students weighed in on many topics, including homework and classwork, communications with their teachers and relationships with their classmates. We anticipate SAC will make the presentation available on their Committee Page of the BFA website prior to the last day of school. 

Welcome Justin!

Justin Mayhall, a US Navy veteran, is now an official At-Large Director! Justin has two children enrolled at BFA (sixth and second grade) and is focused on accountability, collaboration, transparency and responsiveness. We are excited to have him join us and look forward to his thoughtful insight and contribution to our Board.

Uniform Update: Educational Outfitters

Melody Matthews (Uniform Liaison) provided an update regarding Educational Outfitters intent to move locations. The new location has not yet been revealed, but we will ensure it is communicated to parents as soon as it is provided to us. 

Financial Oversight:

Treasurer Sarah Nisbet and Halsley Hoff provided the financial focus during the meeting. April financials were reviewed and recommended for approval by our Finance Committee. The Board also reviewed and approved the final revised budget for 2023-24 school year. Our financial health has remained strong this year. We also reviewed and approved the 2024-25 adopted budget. We will remain focused on our financial health, including appropriate spending and wise investments next year.

As always, financial documents are made available on the Financial Transparency page of the BFA website.  

Policy Governance:

The Board did not review any policies during the May meeting. 

Board BOLTS:

The Board and Principal Simpson recognize that there are BFA students who go above and beyond and achieve excellence in academics, character, effort and/or service. We are proud of these students and the characteristics they exemplify. Our Board BOLTS for May are:

  • Polly Goddard (3rd)
  • JD Kim (5th)

Thank you to all who nominated Board BOLTS this school year! We look forward to recognizing even more of our incredible students next year. 

In Conclusion:

An enormous THANK YOU to our dedicated and hard-working staff who made another successful year possible. To our eighth grade graduates and their families, congratulations! We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and take the opportunity to remind you that you will always have a place within our BFA community. And finally, thank you to our families whose support is deeply essential to the success of our school and our students.

May the next few months bring you and your families much happiness, special memories and great adventures! We look forward to seeing all of you when we return in August.

Getting Ready for the 2024-25 School Year

New Families: Communication at BFA

BFA uses multiple communication tools to ensure that parents keep track of all the exciting things happening at BFA. BFA sends most communications to current K-8 parents using School Messenger.

  • Current BFA Parents and Douglas County School District (DCSD) Families should have their contact preferences set up within their IC Parent Portal account to receive GeneralAttendance and Emergency notifications via (1) a phone call, (2) a text message and/or (3) through email.
  • We will share instructions this summer with new DCSD families so they can set up their preferences on/after July 1, when their parent portal accounts are set for the 2024-25 school year by the District.

Check out the list below for more details about all the ways to stay connected:

  • Principal Simpson’s weekly newsletter is sent out via email every Thursday during the school year. You can find back issues here.
  • The BFA website is the central hub for news, calendars, policies, teacher webpages, committee webpages and essential quicklinks for absence/attendance reporting, lunch, payments and volunteer management. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the website!
  • BFA has a public Facebook page and posts various announcements and pictures throughout the day.
  • Teacher websites, newsletters and blogs ensure you stay abreast of all the happenings inside your student’s classroom.
  • The Ben Franklin Academy app offers quick access to all the information you need from your mobile device, and if you enable notifications, you’ll also receive helpful reminders throughout the year. The app is available on IOS and Android devices–download it today!
  • Additional communications will be sent routinely to Preschool families.
  • And, there are two Facebook pages run by BFA parents that can be helpful. They are not official BFA pages, so if you have a policy or calendar question, you should reach out to someone at BFA; however, they can help you connect with other BFA families in an informal way or even find used uniforms to purchase. There is a Buy and Sell Facebook page and Friends of Ben Facebook page. Additionally, some grade levels have their own Facebook page–-contact your Room Parent or ask other parents in the classroom for more information.

BFA Summer Enrichment Camps

Camp Catalog

Summer Enrichment Camps

Summer is right around the corner! Each year BFA teachers offer different enrichment camps throughout the summer. 

There are some terrific academic ‘boot camps’ that help our students get ready for the next school year. In addition, there are incredible STEM camps, sports, performing arts, social, and even crocheting and fashion design camps available.

These camps are a great way to kick-start the new school year, make new friends, and/or spend time with current classmates. The incoming kindie and middle school camps are especially valuable for helping our students make new connections.

There are camps for all interests and age groups. Below is a list of current options. Please see the Summer Enrichment Camp Catalog for all the details and to register.

Musical Theatre Camp

Summer Academic Boot Camp (Grades K-2)

Crocheting & Knitting Camp

Cheer Camp

Kindergarten Academic Boot Camp

BEE Bot Robotics Adventure

Volleyball Camp

5th Grade Academic Boot Camp

STEMbot Adventures - Summer Robotics

Basketball Camps

Fashion Design Camp

Model Makers - Summer 3D Modeling

Soccer Kick-Arounds

Biology Camp

Aqua Busters- Summer STEM Water Rocket Camp

Soccer Camps

Chemistry Camp

Drone Dynamo - Summer STEM Camp

2nd Grade Academic Boot Camp

Intro to Crocheting Camp

Engineering Exploration

BFA Middle School Social Camps: Game, Team, Water & Sports Nights

BFA News

Friendly Reminders

Calendar Reminders

Below are a few important calendar reminders:

  • Tomorrow, May 17, is Fun Sock Friday!
  • Thursday, May 23, is an Accelerated Reader Dress of Choice Day for students who made their third trimester AR Goal.
  • Preschool Graduation is next Wednesday, May 22.
  • Eighth Grade Clap Out and their Graduation is next Thursday, May 23.

It's hard to believe, but next Friday, May 24, is the last day of school for our K-7 students. Students may wear Dress of Choice. It's also a half day, so we'll plan to start scanning cars in carpool at 11:30 a.m., and we'll release students at noon. There is NO after school care, so please be sure to be on campus to pick up your students by 12:15 p.m.

Congratulations to all our Scientists!

Congratulations to all of our third and fifth graders who worked so hard on their science fair projects! There were so many creative and informative projects. We were very impressed with how much science was investigated. From guitars, skittles, and the school water fountains to hamsters, birds, dogs, and everything in between--the students' personalities came through in their projects. The judges were very impressed and everyone should be proud of their work.

Special congratulations to the following students who won a medal or ribbon:

Third Grade: Liam Sabaleta, Isaac Deutsch, Dylan Schlenker, Jaxon Flint, Polly Goddard, Kendall Blevins, Ashley Bullock, Brady Weikart, Nash Mansfield, Elliana Freund, Braden Dimond, Emery Denham, Behr Calahan, Logan Phillips, Cole Busto, Jensen Hakes, Angelica Sabia, Connor Ward

Fifth Grade: Amelia Roper, Campbell Pettersen, Anjali Rangel, Kathleen Madeni, Lilah Sollenberger, Nash Lucero, Alayna Funderburg, Connor James, Reagan McFall

We also received 651 votes for the People's Choice winners! There was a third grade winner (who prefers no media coverage) and fifth grade winner, Brennan Smythe!

Thank you to all the third and fifth grade teachers, as well as all of the amazing volunteers who helped make this possible! 

Science Fair Winners
Lost and Found

Lost and Found Cleaned Out Next Friday

Lost and Found will be completely cleaned out next Friday, May 24. Please stop by BEFORE next Friday to look for lost items.

Ben Franklin Academy

Important Elementary Field Day Information

Elementary Field Day is Tuesday, May 21, and our theme this year is The OlympicsMrs. Bauer has a great plan for the day! Your students will learn about the history of specific sports/traditions, then participate in adapted events.  

If you are coming to watch field day, you must check in at the office before going out to field day. If you’re planning on taking your student home after field day, you must check your child out with their classroom teacher. Other siblings will need to be checked out through the front office. Fourth and fifth grade parents, please park in the upper lot (north side) so it’s easier for you to exit at the end of the day. 

Students will have lunch outside and will be treated to Kona Ice. Kids should wear their field day/fun run t-shirt, appropriate shorts, and athletic shoes. Please send your student to school with sunscreen already applied and a water bottle.


The Field Day Schedule is as follows:

  • Kindie and First Grade: 8:20 – 10:25 a.m.
  • Second and Third Grade: 10:55-1 p.m.
  • Fourth and Fifth Grade: 1:05-3:15 p.m.
Field Day

Middle School Field Day -

Be Sure to Complete the Waiver!

Middle school field day is Wednesday, May 22, at Redstone Park. Registration and the completion of a waiver is required to attend; registration is open in MySchoolBucks. Don't wait--complete registration and the waiver today so we can ensure everyone is set for a fun field day!

Please see the field day agenda for details.


A couple of important items to note...


1. Bring lots of water and sunscreen.

2. Bring a sack lunch (lunch will not be provided).

3. No electronics (phones, airpods etc.); Mr. Macias will provide music.

4. Please wear the field day shirt provided and appropriate athletic shorts.

5. Students and parents need to sign the Ninja Nation waiver to participate in the course. The waiver is in MySchoolBucks.

6. Students and parents need to register in MySchoolBucks to participate in field day.

7. Bring a positive attitude.

Thank You to our Volunteers

Thank You Volunteers!

Thank you so much to all of the families who have volunteered this year! Volunteers are a big part of what makes our school great. We literally could not do it without you! So far this school year, BFA volunteers have logged more than 12,000 total hours into Help Counter. We can't thank you enough for making this another great year of volunteerism at BFA! 

BFA Virtue Resolution

PTO Virtues Awareness Program - May Virtue

There are only seven more days of the school year for most of us! We hope that your students and family have shared in learning and exemplifying the 13 BFA Virtues throughout the year. This month, our final virtue is Resolution


BFA’s interpretation of Resolution is: Keep your word. When you have a task, get it done. Turn in your homework on time and be prepared.


As we come to the close of the school year, let us remember to be good role models and help our students set attainable and stretch goals, as well as develop an action plan on how to accomplish those goals.

Happy summer, BFA!


RSVP for the Eighth Grade Dinner

Eighth grade families, the Annual Eighth Grade Dinner coming up from 6-8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, in the Middle School Commons. Please RSVP for the dinner today!

This will be a catered dinner for eighth graders only, brought to you by the PTO. Please sign up if you are interested in helping during the dinner. Questions? Contact PTO Social Coordinator, Ewelina Chrzanowski, at

Bens Brigade Logo_final

All BFA Dads Welcome to the Ben's Brigade Picnic Sunday

Ben’s Brigade’s end of year picnic will be held from noon - 2:30 p.m. this Sunday, May 19, at Redstone Park, and they would love to see you there! Ben’s Brigade will be providing food and drinks. If you plan on attending, please RSVP for the picnic, so they know how many to expect.

Ben's Brigade is a PTO group open to all BFA dads that provides a place for dads to get to know each other, as well as opportunities for unique ways to give back to the school and earn volunteer hours. Ben’s Brigade handles work projects around the school, provides volunteers for school functions, and hosts a number of social events throughout the year - some just for dads and some with kids as well.

Contact Ben’s Brigade Committee Manager, Justin Mayhall, at to learn more.


Medication in the Health Room?

If you signed for your student to take home any remaining medication, we will send it home with them (or a sibling) on the last day of school. However, if you did not sign a medication release form, only a parent/guardian or a designated adult can pick up the medicine. Parents can begin picking up medication now, or wait until the last day of school and stop by between 9 - 11:30 a.m. to pick it up.

BASE MEDICATION: If applicable, you also will need to pick up any medication stored in BASE, as we will not transfer medications for summer camp. 


Any medication left at school after the school year ends will be disposed of per the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) rules and regulations governing schools.

pirates cove

Pirates Cove Volunteer Appreciation Event -

Be Sure to Log your Hours by May 31!

Did you know that one of BFA's traditions is a private summer event at Pirates Cove for families who complete their recommended volunteer hours? That's right! Your entire immediate family can attend a private BFA night at Pirates Cove on the PTO! Not only that, if you earn 50, 75 or 100 volunteer hours, you will be awarded special BFA logo'd items (distributed at Pirates Cove check-in) to show our appreciation for going above and beyond! So, mark your calendars for this year's Pirate's Cove BFA Night which will be held from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday, June 8. Be sure to log those volunteer hours! You don't want to miss it!!


Please note: No additional tickets will be sold. This is ONLY an event for those for families who have completed and recorded their family’s recommended volunteer hours (30 hours per family or 15 hours per single-parent household) in Help Counter by midnight, Wednesday, May 31. No exceptions will be made.


Thank you to all the families who have volunteered this year. We sincerely appreciate all that you do for BFA! 

Flock to the Library Program

Get Signed Up for the Summer Reading Program!

Flock to the Library for the Douglas County Libraries (DCL) Summer Reading program!

This summer tradition will be starting soon and pre-registration is NOW OPEN! We'd love for everyone to sign up--in fact, the entire family can participate! The school with the most participants wins a $500 prize, which we could really use for new library books.

Get pre-registered today!


Room Parents Needed for Next School Year!

The PTO is looking for elementary (K-5) Room Parents for next school year! Being a Room Parent is a fun way to get your volunteer hours in, develop a great relationship with your child's teacher and get involved in the school. If you are interested, please send an email to the PTO Room Parent Coordinator, Amy Marks, at

Harper Arts Summer and Fall Programs

Harper Arts Logo

Our summer music camps are a great way to introduce or keep up with music lessons over the summer and everyone is welcome! We mean it, all levels and all ages! These camps are a great way to get some lessons with your busy summer schedules in mind. All camp options will be M-Th for one hour for a max of five students and slots will be given first come first serve. Camps are scheduled so that students can bundle with other instruments/classes that might mesh well together. There will be a $5 discount applied to classes bundled during the same week and an additional $5 discount/course for multiple week sign ups (max $20 in discounts given). You can sign up for the same class more than once, they will be tailored to the students who are enrolled and designed to promote forward progression for each student. 

Camps take place at Ben Franklin Academy and Sydney Harper’s home in Highlands Ranch.

Harper Arts will also be back next school year offering private piano, guitar, ukulele and voice lessons during school hours for your convenience! All students are welcome to register for lessons during DEAR time, advisory, recess and other non-academic times. We’re so happy to be back for our seventh year at BFA and would love to welcome you into our studio! Register to get on the waiting list for fall today and sign up for some quick and easy summer camps to get started! 

Summer Camp Options:

For any student:

Piano for beginners (ages 5-8) 

Piano for beginners (ages 9-12)

Ukulele Camp (ages 5-8)

Ukulele Camp (ages 9-12)

Singing (ages 6-9)

Singing (ages 10-14)

Guitar Level 1 Camp

Lead Sheet/Composition Camp (guitar and ukulele)

For students currently studying:

Primer Piano Camp 

Level 1 Piano Camp

Level 2A/2B Piano Camp

PreK Fundamentals Camp (Guitar and Keyboards)

Guitar Level 2 Camp


Summer Camp

Skate City Membership Cards Available

Buy a $5 Skate City Summer Membership Card now through May 15 and the PTO will earn $2 back on each card sold! Summer Membership Cards allow you to skate at any Skate City location all summer long for $1 admission (skate rentals are $5). 

See the Skate City Summer flier for additional details. 

You can purchase your membership cards now; be sure to enter ‘Ben Franklin Academy’ as the full school name.


Last Chance for a 2024-25 Yearbook

This year’s yearbooks are in and have been distributed! If you haven't ordered one yet, there will be some extras available for purchase in Ms. Svensen's classroom this week for $60, cash only.


Support BFA While You Shop this Summer

If you are a King Soopers shopper, you can help earn money for BFA by signing up for King Soopers Community Rewards. For details on how to sign up for King Soopers Community Rewards visit their webpage or click here for instructions.


It's CRAZY how quickly this program adds up and how much our school can earn. From July - Oct. of 2023, BFA earned $5,341 back from this program!


Please contact Andreya Flanigan, PTO fundraising coordinator, with any questions. Thank you, again, for your support of BFA and the PTO!

New Families: Purchase School Uniforms Early!

School uniforms are an important aspect of BFA culture. They create a level playing field among students and reduce peer pressure and bullying. They also help students focus on their studies, not their clothes. Uniforms enhance school pride, unity and community spirit and decrease discipline issues. For more information about school uniforms, parents can refer to the Uniform Policy and the Uniform Standards for All Students.


We have three uniform vendor options so families can choose the best fit, comfort and price point. BFA parents have the opportunity to purchase uniform items from three approved vendors—Educational Outfitters, French Toast and Tommy Hilfiger.


Links to the vendor sites can be found on the uniforms webpage. To get to the uniform page, please click here (and select uniforms at the top of the page) or visit the BFA website, then select parentspolicies/uniforms/forms, and finally uniforms at the top of this page. 


We recommend that parents purchase uniforms early, as sometimes there is a delay in receiving items. Also, please be sure to purchase a Formal Uniform for your student as students are required to wear their Formal Uniform on the first day of school, the first Wednesday of each month, and on field trips. A Formal Uniform is a navy polo shirt with the BFA logo and tan pants, shorts, skirt or a skort.


The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) normally hosts used uniform sales throughout the school year. 

French Toast Memorial Weekend  Sale
EO Flier
Donate your instrument to BFA
Upcoming Events


See what's happening this month.


Fun Sock Friday - May 17

Accelerated Reader DOC - May 23

Eighth Grade Clap Out/Graduation - May 23

DOC/Last Day of School/Half-Day - May 24


Summer Break Begins - May 28

Community Events

Get Your Discounted Tickets Today!

The Foundation for Douglas County Schools offers discounted tickets and a portion of each ticket sold for DCSD Community Events will benefit Douglas County students, teachers and schools!

BFA's Guiding Principles
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.

Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.

13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.

Ben Franklin Academy

2270 Plaza Drive

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

Main Office Phone: 720-383-4519


Attendance Phone: 720-432-9239


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