November 2020 Edition
This newsletter is underwritten by Burns Scalo Real Estate.
An astounding 150 million voters showed up to the polls this month to make their voices heard. That’s over two-thirds of eligible voters; a rate of turnout our country has not seen since the turn of the century. We are proud to know that so many of our neighbors and chamber members took to the time to exercise their civic right to vote.

As we come to the end of a most unusual year, there are so many issues at the front of our minds: the safety and health of our friends and family, job security, and economic recovery, just to name a few.
The Pittsburgh Airport Area Chamber of Commerce recently hosted its annual Legislative Breakfast, virtually, of course, to tackle these topics with our local leaders. George Stark, Director of External Affairs of Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation caught up with Congressman Conor Lamb, State Senator Pam Iovino, State Representatives Anita Kulik and Valerie Gaydos, Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, and Allegheny County Councilman Sam DeMarco. The group discussed issues that many residents and business owners are concerned about going into 2021.

A recording of the breakfast can be found here.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your colleagues a joyous, safe and endearing Thanksgiving and holiday season. This is final issue of “From the Desk Of Chris Heck” for 2020 as we will resume publication in January 2021. We hope the content has been valuable, informative and educational as we hope to see 2021 as a new dawn for growth and opportunity for all of us here in the Airport Area.

Best Wishes –

Chris Heck
Pittsburgh Airport Area Chamber of Commerce
Company Spotlight
Written By Daniel Bates

Massaro Properties’ David Massaro sees opportunity ahead for commercial real estate and business along Airport Corridor despite COVID-19.
A Special Thank You
This email is underwritten by
News From the Airport Area
Back to Basics – Communicate with your Team - Lanxess
State Officials Abuzz for PIT’s Beekeeping Program
Parkway West Corridor, The Year in Review – CoStar
Three Ways Investments in Connectivity Help Support Business and Economic Growth – Comcast Business
Penny wise and pound foolish - Solutions 21
A Strong Defense – Robert Morris University
RMU initiatives receive funding from the U.S. Department of Defense.
Advocacy Corner
2020 Elections Recap -
Mulberry Public Affairs, LLC
It's All About the People
Express Employment Professionals
Although work from home arrangements have been a steadily growing trend among businesses for several years, the majority still maintain fairly traditional office work environments. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has flipped the script and forced many companies to quickly adapt to address shelter-in-place and quarantine guidelines and regulations. And for many, it has been a bit of an adjustment, to say the least.
Entrepreneurial Corner
Kelly Engel – Eggs N’at Diner
Stay Connected
Despite operational changes, the PAACC is still committed to providing our members with informative content and helpful resources. Be sure to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest information.
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