
Last week, DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison joined me and many of our candidates at a press conference in Tallahassee to announce that we've filled every seat.

I want to give a big thanks to Chairman Harrison, Senator-elect Carlos Guillermo Smith, Candidate Sarah Henry, and all the candidates who joined us in Tallahassee. Now that all seats are filled, our next step is to earn the support of Floridians across our state.

This Thursday, President Biden will be on the debate stage. You can join our DECs, clubs, and caucuses hosting watch parties all over the state. To find a watch party near you, visit and search for "watch party."

You've heard me say "Florida is in play" for a while now. With the DNC chairman saying it, political pundits on major news outlets saying it, and the Biden campaign rapidly staffing up, it's clear that Florida is indeed in play. This election is too crucial to sit on the sidelines. We need everyone to step up and get involved. If President Biden wins Florida, he wins the White House.

Let's work together to take back Florida!

Nikki Fried
Florida Democratic Party

Presidential Debate

Next week on the debate stage in Atlanta, the American people will see two distinct visions for the future: President Biden’s vision, where freedoms are protected and all Americans have a fair shot. Donald Trump’s “vision,” where he has pledged to serve as a dictator on day one, give tax cuts to the ultra-wealthy, and attack women’s rights repeatedly. While the stakes of this election are high, the case for Joe Biden is clear. He is prepared to bring that case to the American people in Atlanta on June 27.

DECs, Clubs, and Caucuses are hosting watch parties across the state. Be sure to click on the link below to find a watch party close to you.

Find An Event Here


NEW Register Voters in Your Neighborhood!

Click here to request a walk list in your neighborhood/precinct of left-leaning unregistered voter targets.

Volunteer Activation Team

Are you a volunteer lead in your county? Or want to become one? Sign up to join our Volunteer Activation Team. We will be doing volunteer recruitment and building capacity in our counties by adopting the Obama snowflake organizing model.

Volunteer Activation Team Call TONIGHT

Monday, June 17 at 6:30pm - 7:00pm ET

Click here to join!

Join our Volunteer Activation Team Reach Group: Click here

(Reach Campaign Key: 6M7792)

FDP VR / VBM Guidance Update

We have updated our guidance for voter registration and vote-by-mail request efforts per the new forms and questions we have received regarding best practices. Here is our updated guidance.

Voter Registration Targets in VAN

Unregistered Households:

❌DO NOT USE “Unregistered” data in VAN

✅DO USE “Unregistered Address” data in VAN

✅Start with the county precincts with the highest concentration of Democrats

We have updated the VR Targets Guidance Document with everything you need to know. 

Other Voter Registration Targets: Denied/Unregistered Abortion Petition Signers signers, Inactive Democrats, and NPA voters with Democrats in Household

Inactive Democrat Weekly Phone Banks

Click here to join our weekly phone banks on Tuesdays at 6pm-7pm ET.

Movement Labs

The FDP is thrilled to announce that our Democratic partners can now enroll with Movement Labs to secure a ~50% texting discount and access to a customized distributed texting portal!

This portal includes pre-built voter targets and scripts to make it simple and effective for campaigns to leverage the platform. Through Movement Labs, our partners can also access full-service and self-service texting. Texting through our portal begins at 1.25 cents/SMS segment & 3.375 cents/MMS message. Please note the sign-up process is 2 steps & you must complete a total of two forms:

Sign up Step 1: Complete Onboarding Form

Sign up Step 2: Complete one of the two 10DLC Forms below:
If you are an organization, candidate, or DEC using your own 10DLC registration, you must submit Movement Labs' 10DLC form. If you are a DEC who is approved to use Hey Florida's 10DLC registration, you must submit Hey Florida's 10DLC form.
Florida Youth Summit July 12-13th

College Dems, High School Dems, and FL Young Dems will be hosting the inaugural Youth Summit in Orlando, Florida on July 12th and 13th. This event marks a significant milestone for our party as we come together to empower and engage the next generation of Democratic leaders.

The Youth Summit will feature a series of workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities designed to inspire and equip young Democrats with the tools and knowledge they need to drive meaningful change in their communities.

Event Details:

Date: July 12-13, 2024
Location: Grand Avenue Neighborhood Center, Orlando, FL
Agenda: Workshops, panel discussions, networking sessions, and keynote speeches

The event is primarily open to students but sponsorships are available for candidates, elected officials, clubs, and caucuses to be in attendance. To secure one of those - click HERE.

It’s free for students, so if you know students or young future leaders who needs to attend, they can RSVP HERE.

If they need a travel stipend to get to the event, they can apply HERE.
Florida Panther

The cat's out of the bag: we have a new mascot!

We gave the donkey the boot, and you can show your support by getting your very own Florida Panther hoodie!
Click Here to View our Merch
Data/VAN Updates

  • Please ensure you & your VAN users are submitting all questions, inquiries, and requests to the data team using our Data Support Ticket for the quickest resolution. 
  • The data team has added a 2nd set of office hours on Saturday mornings beginning in June. You can sign up here.
  • The latest monthly voter file update went live in VAN on May 7th. VAN is now current with the voter file through 3/31/24.
  • Our VBM Update Schedule for the 2024 cycle includes a breakdown of what data is being tracked via our statewide VBM activist code & the Early Voting bucket/module in VAN. While the SOEs will not resume providing VBM data to the FDP until mid-June: if you do happen to get your hands on your county’s current VBM requestor data, please feel free to bulk upload to VAN or submit as a data ticket for the FDP to bulk upload.
  • Our 2024 Data Hub houses all of our important data documents, resources, & training links.
NDTC + Florida Democratic Party

The National Democratic Training Committee is excited to partner with the Florida Democratic Party to provide FREE training to Democratic candidates, campaign staff, and local leaders.

As the largest Democratic campaign training organization in the nation, we have trained more Democrats on how to win elections and build long-term power than any other organization.
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