
It’s been a whirlwind 24 hours filled with mixed emotions since President Biden announced that he would not seek reelection and endorsed Kamala Harris for President. In response, the Florida Democratic Party thanked President Biden for a lifetime of service and 3.5 years of accomplishments as President.

The only way we win in November is if we are united. I am proud to stand with party leaders, elected officials, and members of the Florida Delegation to pledge support for Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential run. Florida is one of the largest convention delegations with 254 votes and the largest battleground delegation. With an overwhelming majority of delegates signing on in less than 24 hours to pledge support for Vice President Harris, we are proud to support Kamala Harris as our next Democratic nominee. 

Florida Democrats, there are just over 100 days to finish the job — and while the state of the race has changed, our mission has not. We must continue knocking on doors, calling voters and organizing on the ground to send Kamala Harris back to the White House and defeat Donald Trump in November. 

See below to join us this weekend for events across the state as we mark 100 days out from Election Day. 

In solidarity,

Nikki Fried
Florida Democratic Party

Sign Up to Protect the Vote 

Sign up to help protect Florida voters in the primary and general election! Our voter protection team seeks poll watchers, ballot cure assistants, hotline volunteers, and more to help protect Florida voters. The stakes of this election are high -- and it is essential, in order to elect Democrats up and down the ticket, that we ensure that every eligible Floridian who wants to cast a ballot has the opportunity to do so.

Sign up Here!


We are 28 days away from Primary Election Day and we need you to help get out the vote. Sign up for the FDP Call Crew and the FDP Doors Crew to help us talk to voters on the phones and at the doors throughout the next few weeks!

You will receive regular updates via email and text for the opportunities to get out the vote for key down ballot races in August and ultimately help our top of the ticket races in November.

Join the FDP Call Crew

Join the FDP Doors Crew


Thank you to all of the volunteers all over the state who helped us make a total of 33,645 this weekend for our Primary Election GOTV kick-off phone bank!

Join us next time by signing up for the FDP Call Crew: Sign up


College Students

This past weekend college students from six college campuses knocked on dorm doors and phone banked, recruiting students and young people to our youth caucuses. The response was clear--students are fired up and ready to get involved ahead of the election!

Share this with your friends & family!

Today (July 22) is Florida's Voter Registration Deadline for the Primary Election! Check your voter registration status and ask 5 friends if they are registered to vote. You can register to vote here:

Register by 11:59PM EST today!

Click Here to Join REACH to Organize with Us!

VBM Chase

Join our committed team to call Florida Democrats and help them enroll in VBM. It's vitally important to engage these voters to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot! (And there may be a special guest, too!)

Sign Up Here
Movement Labs

The FDP is thrilled to announce that our Democratic partners can now enroll with Movement Labs to secure a ~50% texting discount and access to a customized distributed texting portal!

This portal includes pre-built voter targets and scripts to make it simple and effective for campaigns to leverage the platform. Through Movement Labs, our partners can also access full-service and self-service texting. Texting through our portal begins at 1.25 cents/SMS segment & 3.375 cents/MMS message. Please note the sign-up process is 2 steps & you must complete a total of two forms:

Sign up Step 1: Complete Onboarding Form

Sign up Step 2: Complete one of the two 10DLC Forms below:
If you are an organization, candidate, or DEC using your own 10DLC registration, you must submit Movement Labs' 10DLC form. If you are a DEC who is approved to use Hey Florida's 10DLC registration, you must submit Hey Florida's 10DLC form.

Data/VAN Updates

Statewide VBM Enrollment Toplines:

  • Over 982K Democrats have enrolled in VBM for the 2024 cycle so far (43%)
  • 842K Republicans have enrolled in VBM for the 2024 cycle so far (36%)
  • 471K NPAs and other voters have enrolled in VBM for the 2024 cycle so far (21%) 

Statewide VBM Returns Toplines:

  • Nearly 28K Democrats have returned their mail ballots so far

This Week’s Statewide Direct Voter Contact:

  • This past week, Democrats all across Florida knocked over 40K doors
  • We made over 250K calls, with over 35,000 calls made during our statewide All Dems on Phones day on Saturday
  • 900K texts were sent by FL Democrats over the past week!

Please ensure you & your tool users are submitting all questions, inquiries, and requests to the data team using our Data Support Ticket for the quickest resolution. Users should not be utilizing the support request function within VAN, this is old & outdated, and unfortunately does not always work properly.

VAN Updates

NEW: All VBM data is being updated in the Early Voting module in VAN Create a List on a daily basis before 10am. This is how the FDP recommends pulling VBM data from VAN for the most up to date, granular counts:

  • NEW: VAN admins can now request a District Dashboard via our Data Ticket that breaks down voter registration & key demographics in your district in an easy-to-digest format. It also allows you to easily compare 2 districts/counties/precincts. This dashboard is based on your geographical VAN access (ie; you will not receive statewide breakdowns unless your VAN access is statewide). Chartered DECs, clubs, & caucuses can access this dashboard for free, & democratic campaigns and organizations can purchase it for the cycle for a one-time $25 fee.

  • UPDATE: The latest monthly voter file update went live in VAN on June 25th. VAN is now current with the voter file through 5/31/24. We received the latest monthly file (through June 30th, 2024) from the Division of Elections on July 21st & have pushed it to the DNC for processing.

  • Our 2024 Data Hub houses all of our important data documents, resources, & training links.
NDTC + Florida Democratic Party

The National Democratic Training Committee is excited to partner with the Florida Democratic Party to provide FREE training to Democratic candidates, campaign staff, and local leaders.

As the largest Democratic campaign training organization in the nation, we have trained more Democrats on how to win elections and build long-term power than any other organization.
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