From the Bear Pit
Regional Council Meeting News
Publication Date: October 24th, 2023
Regional Council Meetings October 23, 2023
BC Hydro Fort Nelson Power Line Restoration and Long-Term Resource Plan
A frequent topic of discussion around the Council table, an update was provided BC Hydro's activities again on October 23rd. In early May 2023 the wildfires throughout northwestern AB took out the Hyrdo transmission line between Rainbow Lake, AB to Fort Nelson, which provides a redundant source of electricity for Fort Nelson second to the local BC Hydro Generating Station at Mile 285. To continue to provide a redundant source of power, BC Hydro set up mobile diesel-fired generating stations until the line could be fixed. Four months later, as wildfires still burned hot over the transmission line, more extensive damage occurred on the BC side of the line. After 171 days, on Saturday, October 21st, a happy email was received from BC Hydro, confirming that all work had been completed and Fort Nelson's typical supply of power and backup to that was restored.
With the challenges faced over the past many months, and extensive conversations between Council, staff, and BC Hydro, the need a huge need for a long-term resource plan for the region became apparent. To that end, BC Hydro has announced they are starting to develop a long-term resource plan for Fort Nelson and will be looking for Council input in the coming weeks.
Wildfire/FireSmart Structural Protection Unit
In the October 10th, 2023 Council meeting, staff came forward with a request to apply for a grant for the phased purchase of a Structural Protection Unit (SPU). Council's wishes were to identify funds for an immediate purchase of the SPU, at a total cost of $220,000, and to apply for the grant of $30,000 to have the unit available by the next wildfire season. A financial review revealed that there are sufficient funds available within the 2023 General Surplus. Staff are now currently in communication with the grant funder to confirm if the grant can be applied retroactively to allow the NRRM to make the purchase promptly.
Animal Welfare
After years of debate, the closure of Takashi's Animal Rescue, and the establishment of North Paw Animal Rescue, Regional Council gave direction to enter into an interim agreement for the provision of animal welfare services complementary to those already in place in implementing the Animal Control Bylaw. Additionally, a new Transfer of Unclaimed Animals Policy closes the loop on the outcomes for unclaimed animals following the 72-hour impoundment within the Bylaw. The Policy describes that a group of representatives including Animal Control and/or a Bylaw enforcement, pound services, and the animal welfare agency, with a registered veterinarian, will make the decision of adoptability or, in less hopeful situations, end-of-life for animals that are unclaimed.
Formalizing the role animal welfare plays in managing unclaimed, stray, or surrendered animals in the community, the NRRM will enter into a partnership with North Paws Animal Rescue (NPAR) for a 7-month term starting November 1, 2023. After submitting a Request for Proposals for an Animal Responsibility Program which closed in January 2023, NPAR has since submitted a renewed proposal for services that may be performed to more holistically implement the Animal Control Bylaw, in conjunction with Animal Control and Pound Services. Proposed services would include accepting the transfer of animals for sheltering and adoption that are unclaimed from the Pound after 72 hours, and also being the primary shelter for cats handled by NRRM Animal Control, which at present is limited to some degree by both the provisions of the Animal Control Bylaw and also the capacity at the pound-keeping facility. This service will be among those proposed in the 2024 budget.
2024 Tax Exemption Bylaw
A tax exemption is a means for Council to support non-profit organizations within the community which further Council’s objectives of enhancing the quality of life (economic, social, cultural) and delivering services economically. The 2024 list was accepted.
For Discussion
From: Tanis Mould, Grace Manor Property Manager
Re: Request for Letter of Support
Council agreed to write a letter of support for an application to The Co-Op Community Support Fund for up to $30,000 for renovations to create a Health & Wellness space at Grace Manor for all seniors.
From: Prophet River First Nation
Re: Invitation and Request for Sponsorship for World Cafe Business and Community Connection
An invitation was received from Prophet River for sponsorship in their Nation & Business Connection event on November 8th. Council agreed to move forward with sponsorship, to have a booth at the event, and several members expressed a desire to attend in person.
From: BC Rural Health Network
Re: Request for Letter of Support for Joint Research Project - Relationship Between Availability of Health Care and Economic Development and Vitality in Rural B.C.
Council agreed to send a letter of support for the project and the Rural Health Network's pursuit of funding to undertake it.
For Information
Email From: Urs Schildknecht, Northern Rockies Lodge
Re: BC Hydro Proposed Propane EV-Chargers Alaska Highway
An email was received from Mr. Schildknecht highlighting his disapproval of an EV Charging Station within a 500-meter radius of business.
From: Bruce Ralston, Minister of Forests
Re: UBCM Meeting
NRRM Letter to Ben Wall, General Manager Community Forest Corporation (CF Corp.)
Re: Meeting of the Shareholders
A letter was sent on behalf of NRRM to CF Corp. requesting a shareholders meeting be scheduled.
Council Information Package - October 11, 2023
Council reported on the meetings, activities and appointments to Committees/Boards related to their roles on Council.
- The NRRM has appointed Percy Wright as their director to the Fort Nelson First Nation/Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Community Forest General Partner Corporation (CF Corp.). Council has also directed staff to move forward to recruit for the NRRM's vacant Board position on the Fort Nelson First Nation/Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Community Forest General Partner Corporation.
- A registered nurse applicant has been approved in principle for the Recruitment, Retention, Education & Training Incentive Education (RRETI).
Career Opportunities at the NRRM
Job Posting No. 2023.33
Closing date: October 25, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
Closing date: October 27, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
Request for Expressions of Interest in Equipment Services
The Fort Nelson Community Forest (FNCF) is looking for interested parties to supply various equipment services that would include road maintenance and upgrades. Services include, but are not limited to:
- Delivery and placement of small volumes of gravel (per cu. m. gravel costs and hourly delivery costs outside of 5 km radius of Fort Nelson)
- Winter road opening
- Winter road maintenance
Information should include:
- Equipment list and 2023-2024 rate schedule
- Current WCB clearance letter
- Proof of Liability insurance
- Copy of business licence
Interested parties should send their information to by October 27, 2023 at 2:00 pm.