From the Bear Pit
Council News
Publication Date: June 20, 2024
Committee of the Whole Meeting June 10, 2024
Post-Evacuation Emergency Operations Center Update
It's been more than a month since our community was evacuated on May 10 due to the wildfire threat. Key dates include the order downgrade on May 27 and the alert rescind on June 7 when the threat was significantly reduced.
During the meeting, the planned Post-Evacuation Community Meeting was discussed which took place on June 12th, and highlighted the roles, responsibilities, evacuation procedures, ESS, re-entry, and permits. Alongside staff and Council were representatives from BC Wildfire, Northern Rockies Fire Rescue Department, Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Resiliency, and the RCMP.
The presentation recognized the exceptional efforts made by Northern Rockies Fire Rescue and EOC staff, community members, and agencies who went above and beyond during this crisis and spoke to the EOC's transition being a challenging yet impressive achievement, with a full debrief being planned to document and improve the processes and activities undertaken.
While the Parker Lake fire has been classified as under control, with continued monitoring and significant firefighting resources remaining in the area, with the Summer season and temperatures just beginning, residents are encouraged to stay informed and take note of updates and changes in conditions.
Regional Council Meeting June 10, 2024
June 17, 2024 Proclaimed Hope Air Day
The Northern Rockies Regional Municipality proclaimed June 17th, 2024, as "Hope Air Day" to recognize the invaluable contributions made by Hope Air to the health and well-being of individuals in British Columbia's remote, rural, and underserved communities.
Tourism Action Committee Membership
The proposal to extend the current members' terms of the Northern Rockies Tourism Action Committee (TAC) until December 31, 2024, was approved. This decision was made to address the challenges faced by the committee, including declining membership and the Terms of Reference original since its inception. The approval acknowledged the importance of the TAC in developing the Northern Rockies Tourism Strategy & Action Plan and recognized the need to enhance engagement within the committee.
The decision to extend the members' terms aligns with strategic priorities focusing on governance practices, community engagement, and economic growth. By extending the terms, the recruitment process in the Fall can be streamlined, allowing for a more efficient transition and continuity within the committee. This decision underscores the commitment to supporting the TAC's efforts to advance tourism development in the Northern Rockies region.
Old Fort Game Warden Cabin Update
The Game Warden cabin at Thekenneh kue/Old Fort Nelson village prompted concerns raised by the public and the Fort Nelson Historical Society regarding its protection and restoration. Regional Council discussed ownership, responsibilities, and the necessity for collaboration with Fort Nelson First Nation. The Northern Rockies Regional Municipality (NRRM) possesses a Licence of Occupation (LoO) over the land and cabin, requiring its maintenance in a safe, clean, and sanitary condition. It was acknowledged, as part of the discussion, that coordination with Fort Nelson First Nation and notification to the Ministry are necessary for any work on the property.
Conversations with the Ministry of Water, Land, and Resource Stewardship confirmed the NRRM's rights and responsibilities over the lot and cabin. Mayor Fraser emphasized safety and advocated for including discussions with Fort Nelson First Nation on the joint agenda. Stressing the significance of ensuring the cabin's safety before planning its future, Mayor Fraser tasked staff with further investigation on the site's condition to ensure that the Councils of both communities can consider next steps from an informed perspective.
UBCM and EMCR Local Government Advisory Committee on EDMA Regulations
Regional Council unanimously approved providing a letter of support for Deputy CAO LaVale's application to the UBCM and EMCR Local Government Advisory Committee on Emergency and Disaster Management Act Regulations. This committee aims to ensure that local governments are represented in the development of regulations associated with the Emergency and Disaster Management Act (EDMA), replacing the Emergency Program Act in 2023. Given the recent experience with our emergency, including evacuation, the presence of northeastern BC representation is crucial to voice the region's needs. Deputy CAO LaVale, with extensive emergency management experience, has applied for a position on the committee, emphasizing her passion for emergency management.
Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing Legislation Extension Request
Regional Council approved an extension request to the Ministry of Housing until December 31, 2024, for compliance with the Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing Legislation. This extension is necessitated by recent challenges, including the evacuation of Fort Nelson and resource diversion to support emergency operations. The extension will allow time for zoning bylaw updates required by Bill 44, ensuring compliance with legislative requirements. This decision supports governance practices and community engagement priorities.
Union of British Columbia Municipalities Convention
Regional Council discussed attendance and priorities for the upcoming UBCM conference on September 16-20. Council expressed interest in speaking with various ministries, including the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General for RCMP, Minister of Health regarding the CT Scanner project for Fort Nelson General Hospital and healthcare generally, Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation for carbon sequestration, Ministry of Forests for wildfire resiliency, Ministry of Transportation for rail infrastructure in the region, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Tourism for topics of interest of the Tourism Action Committee, Ministry of Environment for BC Park expansion at Muncho Lake, and Premier Eby for rail infrastructure being key to the region's resource and economic development. Other organizations mentioned for potential meetings include BC Hydro, Northern Health, CN Rail, and Fortis.
Award of 2024 Roadworks and Asphalt Pathways - Addenda
Regional Council approved awarding the 2024 Roadworks and Asphalt Pathways contract to Terus Construction Ltd. (dba DGS Astro Paving) for $2,359,962.74 plus 10% contingency and taxes. With only one bid received, which falls within the approved budget, the decision ensures compliance and financial feasibility. Despite a slight budget overrun in the Museum and Campground pathway project's portion of the overall scope of work, Council expressed confidence in Terus Construction Ltd.'s ability to fulfill the contract.
Award of 51st Ave East Sanitary Renewal Project - Addenda
Regional Council awarded the contract for the 51st Avenue East Sanitary Renewal project to Knappett Industries (2006) Ltd. for $594,450.00 plus 10% contingency and applicable taxes. The project, which involves sewer main replacement, drainage, and road rehabilitation, had three submissions, with Knappett Industries being the lowest bidder. The evaluation confirmed their qualification and compliance, with past positive experiences with project delivery. The total project cost, including roadworks, falls within the approved 2024 budget. The decision was unanimously supported by Council.
Letter of Support for Recreation Site Project at Skook's Landing
The Toad River Area Club has been collaborating with the Kaska Nation and the Province of BC to establish a recreation site at Skook's Landing, a place of significant cultural and recreational value in the community. The project aims to develop infrastructure and amenities such as a boat launch, parking area, and interpretive signage, incorporating traditional Kaska knowledge and practices. The establishment of this site is expected to benefit local residents and visitors alike, providing a positive and educational experience. To move forward with the project, the club sought letters of support from key stakeholders, including Regional Council. With their endorsement, the club aims to secure funding and resources for the site's development. Regional Council approved the request, recognizing the project's value in enhancing outdoor recreation and cultural exploration in the region.
Letter of Support for Imagine Grant & Zebrafish Neuro Workshop
Regional Council approved the proposal to host a 3-day spinal cord injury rehabilitation and recovery staff development workshop in Fort Nelson this Fall, in collaboration with Zebrafish Neuro. Recognizing the changing demographics and accessibility needs of the community, they acknowledge the importance of providing local health professionals with diverse training opportunities to support residents effectively. They commend the initiative to bring experts to Fort Nelson, making training more accessible and applaud the efforts to benefit dedicated staff and health professionals.
NCLGA Mental Health Symposium
Regional Council approved the request from Councillor Gerwing to attend the NCLGA Mental Health Symposium. The symposium is scheduled for November, with event planning discussions set for June 27th. Councillor Gerwing included all necessary information in the package and invited some members of the board to participate. As she serves as the NRRM representative on that board, Regional Council supported her participation in the symposium.
Special Regional Council Meeting June 11, 2024
2023 Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Financial Statements
Alan Bone expressed gratitude for being involved with NRRM for a significant period of time as the NRRM's Auditor. The auditor's report included an overview of the Financial Statements (FS) audited for the year ending December 31, 2023. The adoption of a new accounting standard (s.3280) raised concerns about potential material adjustments, but overall, the audit resulted in a clean report, highlighting a strong control environment and diligent staff. Director of Finance Ryhorchuk and his team were thanked for their assistance. Despite some changes in grant revenue and deferred revenue related to grants, the NRRM's financial position was deemed strong. From an operating perspective, the financials showed a surplus due to investment income, with amortization not included in the budget. The Council unanimously adopted the 2023 Financial Statements.
For Information
Jackie Miller, Office Manager Fort St John Co-op Association
Invitation to Attend Annual General Meeting on May 29th
Northern Development Initiative Trust
2024 Economic Capacity Building
Council Information Package- Apr 24, 2024
Council Information Package- May 1, 2024
Council Information Package- May 8, 2024
Council Information Package- Jun 5, 2024
Council reported on the meetings, activities and appointments to Committees/Boards related to their roles on Council.
Career Opportunities at the NRRM
Job Posting No. 2024.18
Closing date: June 24, 2024
Job Posting No. 2024.17
Closing date: June 24, 2024
Job Posting No. 2024.17
Closing date: June 24, 2024
Job Posting No. 2024.01
Closing date: December 31, 2024
Closing date: Until Filled
Closing date: June 27, 2024
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