From the Bear Pit
Regional Council Meeting News
July 11, 2022 Regional Council Meeting
2021 Annual Report Adoption
June 27, 2022, with advertising calling for public feedback until July 11, 2022. In addition to including a
call for public review in the Fort Nelson News, the DRAFT 2021 Annual Report was posted to the municipal website’s Latest News feed and social media with hard copies made available at the municipal office upon request. At the time of the writing of the report, no comments had been received, internally or externally.
Regional Council has approved that the 2021 Annual Report be adopted as presented.
Downtown Revitalization Plan Update
The Downtown Revitalization Plan is a special project under the 2022 Regional Development and Planning Budget that aims to develop a comprehensive plan which will improve Downtown’s livability and vibrancy, support long-range vision and planning, strengthen local businesses, attract residents, and encourage tourism.
The project area ( Attachment 1) includes the Downtown core area, Alaska Highway Corridor, 50th Ave North and 50th Ave South Frontage Road, Highway Commercial Development Permit Area, the Downtown Development Permit Area, and a selection from the Gateway Commercial Development Permit Area. Project Objectives include:
- Work with the community to create a vision for Downtown Fort Nelson
- Provide recommendations for priorities and next steps to advance the Downtown vision
- Respond to existing conditions, concerns, and infrastructure needs
- Identify strategies to improve economic vibrancy
- Assess accessibility, safety, and connectivity in the project area
- Improve livability and vibrancy
Parks and Trails Active Mobility Planning Projects Update
The Parks and Trails Active Mobility Planning Project is being undertaken through the Recreational operating Budget to meet the current accessibility need of the community at two highlighted Parks: Art Fraser Park and Andy Bailey Park ( Attachment 2).
Both parks are identified as a priority to address accessibility and other upgrades to meet users’ current and future demands. To ensure both parks continue to serve the recreational and event needs of the residents and visitors, NRRM is working with Lees & Associates to determine the community’s needs through engagement sessions. This project looks to plan and design the parks by conducting assessments and preliminary public engagement in its initial phase (starting in July). Further to the engagement work, subsequent steps will be to develop a final conceptual plan, obtain cost estimates and create an approach to continue the work to create a final, construction-ready project design. Throughout 2022, a detailed design will continue to progress with construction targeted to begin in 2023.
Fire Protection Service Area Extension; McConachie Creek West
Following the request received in Fall 2021, an analysis was undertaken with Northern Rockies Fire Rescue to confirm capacity for fire protection services to be extended to properties with dwellings and other structures along McConachie Creek Road West (page 2 of Attachment 2). NRFR surveyed the area and confirmed that those properties within the identified area could be effectively protected using a tender operation, which is typical of rural fire protection where there is remote proximity to hydrants for pumper/tender use.
In addition to the obvious benefit of being within a Fire Protection Service Area should there ever be a need, there are typically cost savings to residents on their property insurance premiums.
Though there were some inquiries, as of July 6, 2022, no petitions have been received in response to the correspondence sent to potentially impacted properties owners, to the public notice published in the June 8 or 15th editions of the Fort Nelson News, or to the information included on the Northern Rockies website. Petitions may be received up to and including July 15th, 2022.
Regional Council gave first, second and third readings to the Fire Protection Service Area Extension Amendment (McConachie Creek Road West) Bylaw No. 205, 2022.
Northern Rockies Regional Hospital District Updates
Councillor Gerwing brought forth portfolio updates for the month of July, including her involvement with the Community Health Plan Steering Committee.
- Airport Way Medical clinic will take the lead on the CT Scanner business case
- Northern Health will re-assess the room the CT scanner will be placed
- Holter monitor is in place and being utilized; what was once a 1 year turnaround is now 1 week
- With fewer doctors in the community, an ER doctor is now available virtually every 3rd night to allow much-needed breaks from on-call responsibilities
- Creation of .5 Ultrasound Tech Position to reside in Fort Nelson and travel every 2 weeks for coverage in Dawson Creek
- Types of available ultrasounds to be expanded
- Fort Nelson Secondary School to offer Lifeguard training in its September curriculum.
From: Katrine Conroy, Minister of Forests
Re: Stumpage Policy for Community Forests in British Columbia
A letter was received to inform Regional Council of the intentions the Ministry of Forests has in motion to update the forest policy in BC. Harmonization of Stumpage Rates for area-based tenures is on the list. The Province understands the importance of this issue in the NRRM's context of its current Community Forest Agreement.
From: Lisa Beare, Minister of Citizens' Services
Re: Request to Participate (RTP) Broadband Process
Regional Council received a letter to thank them for participation in the Request to Participate process to help the Province better understand underserved households and gather feedback and insight into what technology would be best suited in different areas to help reach connectivity goals.
From: Dan Davies, MLA Peace River North
Re: Motorcycle Skills & ICBC Road Testing in Peace River North
Regional Council received correspondence regarding the concerns brought forth in June 2021 regarding the challenges in the timing and frequency of Motorcycle Skill testing in both Fort St John and Fort Nelson, that have now been reiterated a year later.