From the Bear Pit
Regional Council Meeting News
August 8, 2022 Regional Council Meeting
Council Remuneration Policy
In preparation for a new Council term, a review was conducted of two historic Council Remuneration Bylaws (for the former Town of Fort Nelson and Northern Rockies Regional District) which remain in effect. Working from a Council & Board Remuneration Guide, developed by the Union of BC Municipalities which recommends best practices in establishing remuneration for elected officials, the DRAFT Council Remuneration Policy was developed and then approved as presented.
2022 Fourth Quarter Grant in Aid
Regional Council approved a 4th quarter Grant in Aid application received from the Fort Nelson Women of Industry soon to be known as Fort Nelson's Women of Influence. The application is to cover partial rental of the main hall at the Recreation Centre for their annual Snowball event.
Renewal of Lease for Fort Nelson Playschool
The lease for the Fort Nelson Playschool, who occupy space within the Town Square complex is approaching expiry on August 31, 2022, and the group had expressed a desire to renew on the same terms as prior. Regional Council approved this request extended the lease for another 1 year term.
Fire Services Protection Area Extension McConachie Creek Road West
Regional Council adopted Bylaw No. 205, 2022 of the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality to extend and amend the boundary of the Fire Protection Service Establishment Bylaw No. 53, 2011 to properties on McConachie Creek Road West.
Bylaw No. 206, 2022 Repeal of Town and Regional District Council Remuneration
A Bylaw of the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality to repeal the former Town of Fort Nelson Council Remuneration and Travel Expense Policy Bylaw No. 598, 2001 and Northern Rockies Regional District Regional Board Remuneration and Travel Expense Policy Bylaw No. 134, 2001.
Parker Lake
Councillor Soles raised some observations of recent activities at Parker Lake, including voluntary enhancements, work undertaken in past by Rec Sites and Trails BC, and the site's popularity with local residents. Council had a roundtable discussion in terms of what role the NRRM might have in helping build out and maintain Parker Lake, and ultimately agreed to open a dialogue with Rec Sites & Trails BC around the site and its usage.
Grant Agreement with Infrastructure Canada
Regional Council passed via email ratification hat the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality enter into the Permanent Public Transit Program- Active Transportation Fund (ATF) Grant Agreement with Infrastructure Canada for $50,000.00 to support the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Parks and Trails Active Mobility Study.
Left to right Councillor Soles, Councillor Gerwing, Minister Josie Osbourne, Mayor Foster and Councillor Andrews
To: Michael Skinner, Fairness Officer ICBC
Re: Lack of Access to ICBC Skills/road Testing in Fort Nelson, B.C.
A letter was sent from Regional Council regarding the significant lack of ICBC road test times currently being offered within the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality (NRRM). After speaking with the local Service BC office, it was confirmed that ICBC examiners (2) visit the community for a total of four calendar days every two months.

To: Rob Fleming, Minister of Transportation & Infrastructure
Re: Nahanni Wood Bison in the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
Regional Council sent a letter to advise that residents and farmers of the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality (NRRM) experienced some significant challenges as a sizable herd of wood bison from the Nahanni Range population converged on domestic cattle and bison farms in the area, in a migration for pastures southeast of Highway 77 and far from their home range near Fort Liard, NWT. After farmers and residents passively returned the herd to its native territory last year, it has recently been noted that the herd has begun another southernly migration, and without intervention, history is expected to repeat itself.

From: Robert Cheyne, President, Fort Nelson Rod & Gun Club
Re: Motorcycle Skills & ICBC Road Testing in Peace River North
Regional Council received correspondence from Rod & Gun Club President Rob Cheyne regarding Justin Trudeau's announcement to prohibit the Sale, Purchase, and Transfer of Handguns. Regional Council to send a letter in support of the views of the Rod & Gun Club on this recent announcement.

From: Michael Pickup, Office of the Auditor General of B.C.
Re: Request for Performance Audit of the Northern Health Authority
Regional Council received correspondence thanking them for their request of an audit of the Northern Health Authority with respect to concerns about access to health care in Northern British Columbia.
August 8th Special Regional Council Meeting
Town Hall Renewal Project Update
Jak McCuaig of McCuaig & Associates Engineering updated Regional Council on the Town Hall Renewal project and went over the proposed 3 scenarios. noting how decisions made at this stage will affect future potential expansions for current tenants within Town Square.

Regional Council received the information and asked that the decisions be deferred to future meeting where all Councillors may be in attendance.
Boreal Caribou Protection and Recovery Plan
Regional Council received an update of the Boreal Caribou Protection & Recovery Plan (BCPRP) from Chris Cooper, District Manager, Doug Bourhill, Director, and Joelle Ward, Lead of Caribou Planning in North with the Ministry of Forests. Following several sessions and opportunities for stakeholder engagement, the Ministry is developing a 'What We Heard' report, which will be distributed for reference. Some feedback statistics included:
  • 53% were supportive of getting Caribou herds to self-sustaining populations to support substance harvesting levels for First Nations.
  • 66% were supportive of the proposed habitat management measures.
  • 76% were supportive of developing a predator management program.
  • 80% were supportive of adaptive management, evaluation & monitoring.

Staff presented an update on the NRRM's role in Boreal Caribou Protection & Recover Planning, through Administration report #59/22 - Boreal Protection Plan. Regional Council discussed some of the notable points with regard to Caribou populations, including the ongoing decline despite the lack of industry (Forestry and Oil & Gas) over the decade. Council approved retaining Stantec to complete a renewed review of potential socioeconomic impacts of the proposed BCPRP on Forestry and PNG industries.

Land Acknowledgment and Indigenous Relations
At the March 28, 2022 Regional Council Meeting, Regional Council requested that Indigenous governments and organizations be provided an opportunity to comment on the Draft Land Acknowledgement Framework and that the draft framework be brought back with the inclusion of the perspectives of the NRRM’s engagement partners for review and adoption.

Council thanked staff for their work in building relationships with Indigenous neighbors through the creation of the Framework, and for sharing what they have learned as a result. Regional Council adopted the Land Acknowledgement Framework as presented.
August 12th Special Regional Council Meeting
WildSafe BC Presentation
Kim Eglinski, Northern Rockies WildSafe BC Community Coordinator provided a presentation to Council on the DRAFT Human Bear Conflict Management plan (HBCMP), which was developed based on the findings of the Bear Hazard Assessment, completed in 2020. The HBCMP included a series of recommendations including:
  • Establishment of a Human-Bear Conflict Working Group
  • Maintain an effective public education program
  • Promote human-wildlife conflict reduction messaging and collaborations
  • Community support of Bear Smart principles
  • Implement an effective bear-resistant solid waste management system
  • Implementation of Bear Smart Bylaws
  • Revise planning & decision-making documents

Bear Response in the Community
Regional Council approved the options outlined in Administration Report #64/22, which spoke to bringing back information on the types and costs associated with implementing mandatory bear-resistant garbage bins in areas pertaining to the Garbage Disposal and Wildlife Attractants Bylaw No. 05, 2009. Last, Council approved distributing the Human-Bear Interaction Survey, developed in collaboration with WildSafe BC, to understand community perceptions on the interactions between bears and humans locally.

Animal Welfare Services Procurement
Regional Council supported the distribution of a Request for Proposals for the delivery of an integrated animal welfare service, and requested that staff bring back a report to consider the responses and opportunities presented. Further, Council requested information to consider the options and costs related to the employment of a dedicated Bylaw Enforcement Official to increase capacity for animal control and other activities.

Fire Hall & Public Works Building Foundation Repair Award
Regional Council approved the Public Works & Fire Hall Foundation Repairs contract 2022-21 to be awarded to BKT Wall Contracting, on a time and materials basis, with time and materials estimated to be $835,000 plus 20% contingencies and all applicable taxes.