From the Bear Pit
Regional Council Meeting News
May 9, 2022 Regional Council Meetings
2022 Tax Rates Bylaw Adopted
Municipalities must set their tax rates for each property class, by bylaw, before May 15 of each year. Property value tax (also know as an ad valorem tax) is a tax applied the value of a land and mprovements (buildings and other fixtures) and is the principal source of revenue for most municipalities in British Columbia.

During the annual budgeting process, municipalities will determine their service and infrastructure expenditures for the year and the revenue sources to fund these expenditures (including property value taxes).

Tax rates are expressed as a dollar figure per $1,000 dollars of assessed property value of land and improvements. For example, a tax rate of $1.02 per $1,000 of assessed value would mean that a property assessed at $300,000 would be taxed $306 (= $300,000 x $1.02/1000). The assessed values for every taxable property in B.C. is annually determined by BC Assessment.
NEBC Tourism Marketing Co-op Communities' Contributions
Since 2016, the NRRM has participated in the Northeast BC Tourism Marketing Co-Op, a group comprised of the communities from across NEBC with a focus to collectively market common tourism assets including making connections to the NEBC Destination Development Strategy. Participation in the Co-Op has allowed all of the member communities to leverage segments of their operational and capital tourism dollars with Destination BC’s Co-Operative Marketing Program. Pre-COVID, this grant required the Co-Op communities to collectively provide matching funds. Over the last couple of years during Covid-19 this matching requirement has been removed, although it is expected that it will be reinstated at some future grant.

Regional Council approved that the budget for the 2022 NEBC Tourism Marketing Co-Op Contribution be reduced from $12,000 to $7,000; and that the remaining $5,000 be reallocated to fund another tourism-related activity, and that staff provide options for consideration of potential projects that funding could support.

Connectivity Update
Recently the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia announced a partnership to invest up to $830 million dollars to support projects that will improve access in rural, remote and Indigenous communities across BC. In preparation to distribute funds the province launched a request to participate (RTP) process on March 14th, 2022 via BC Bid, to provide opportunity for the province to obtain regional and market information, validate cost assumptions and gauge market interest in providing high-speed internet services.

As part of the RTP process, the NRRM provided input on key attributes of connectivity gaps in the Northern Rockies including:
  • Potential areas for expansion of high-speed Internet;
  • What technologies might be best suited to reaching underserved households; and
  • Where the gaps in highway cellular service in the Northern Rockies are, and which of these highway segments have power.

The NRRM also provided feedback on the proposed zone boundaries, recognizing that these zones may serve as the underlying construct for potential future connectivity funding programs.

Further input from local and Indigenous governments will be solicited by the Province in future. In the interim, staff will maintain ongoing engagement with the BC Ministry of Citizens’ Services as the RTP process proceeds and will update Regional Council as additional information becomes available.

Electric Vehicle Charging Update
The Charge North program is moving ahead and Fort Nelson will have a Level 2 charger installed through the program. The program is quite large with 40+ communities, ~150 installations and over 2,500 kms to be covered, leading to various delays in the project, however, it is anticipated that all of the stations outlined in the project will be installed by the end of 2023.

Regional Council directed staff continue to investigate options for both interim and permanent EV charging installations with information to be provided to Regional Council for further consideration

Also of note

  • The Moose Hide Campaign is an Indigenous-led, grassroots movement of men, boys and all Canadians standing up to end violence against women and childrenRegional Council proclaimed Thursday, May 12th, 2022, Moose Hide Campaign Day, in the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality. Wearing the moose hide pin demonstrates a commitment to honour, respect and protect the women and children in your life, end gender-based violence and take meaningful action towards reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.

Northern Rockies Regional Municipality supports the application to Northern Development Initiative Trust's Fabulous Festivals and Events program for $2,500 from the Northern Rockies Arts Council for the 2022 Street Festival.

Regional Council approved the request to donate use of the Show Mobile for FNFN's Annual Celebration August 5-7, 2022. Recommending the costs incurred be taken out of the Grant in Aid program budget.

Regional Council approved a letter of support be written for their application to support the tourism and tourism-related businesses and organizations in our community.